fourteen - the ups and downs of an afterparty

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•* the ups and downs of an afterparty *•

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.•* the ups and downs of an afterparty *•.

Sadie drove everyone reluctantly back to Duntown. She would bring everyone back to change and then they were off to the afterparty. After dropping off everyone else Sadie changed into a bleak maroon maxi skirt with a black crop top.

She picked up Millie who was all hyped up and couldn't stop raving about her fun experience at the formal with Noah. Sadie picked up everyone else and they all stopped at Mary Joe's house which was already booming.

"Let's get one thing straight. No one leaves here without telling me!" Sadie told them all, being a "mom". They all nodded and hopped out of the car excitedly.

Sadie started to feel a queasy feeling in her stomach as they approached the house. She had only been to one party before.

"You ok?" Finn asked looking over at Sadie concerned. He could tell she was worried by her anxious expression. She nodded blankly and motioned him to go ahead and go in the house.

Sadie followed Millie through the house and straight to the kitchen. Millie turned to Sadie with raised eyebrows. "Wanna drink?" She asked making Sadie confused.

"I'm the driver." Sadie reminded her with furrowed eyebrows. Millie laughed and shrugged.

"One drink couldn't hurt." She offered but Sadie refused again in the end only getting a water. Millie had already gulped up three shots in the blink of an eye.

"Come on Sadie let's d-dance!" Millie yelled above the music dragging Sadie out to where everyone else was dancing. Haven't they danced enough already? Sadie thought before, barely, dancing with Millie.

They danced for a few minutes before Millie got bored and said she was going to go make out with Noah. Sadie let her figuring it would be no harm.

Once Millie left Sadie squeezed through the drunk sweaty people to a separate living room where some people were making out and others were talking. That's where Sadie spotted Finn and some random dude talking. Finn had a beer in his hand and looked like he was slurring his words.

Sadie figured she wouldn't mess with him and tried to slip out of the room unnoticed. Key word, tried.

"Sadie! Sadie!" Finn called after her making her grit her teeth and slowly turn around. Finn smiled at her and motioned her to come over to where he was. She reluctantly did so standing in front of the two.

"Hey Finn." She greeted with class hoping she wouldn't be caught between a drunken conversation.

"You haven't met my friend, Ross. Ross, Sadie; Sadie, Ross." Finn introduced them and Sadie smiled at Ross who had a head full of chestnut brown curls.

"Hi Sadie nice to meet you." Ross said sticking out his hand. She smiled at him and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you too Ross." She said before looking back at Finn who looked pretty buzzed.  In fact Ross seemed a little buzzed too.

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