nineteen - home improvement

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⬇️manip made by purefadie on instagram :)

⬇️manip made by purefadie on instagram :)

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.•* home improvement *•.

Sadie rocked her head up and down to the beat of the heavy metal. Finn laughed but focused his eyes on the road, he was driving. Sadie stopped flipping her hair resulting in a tangled blob of red hair. She changed to the air guitar and plucked the air strings violently.

The drum solo came on so Sadie drummed to the sound and slowly the heavy metal came to an end.

Finn started laughing hysterically as Sadie patted down her frizzy and tangled red hair. She chuckled lightly too finally resulting in tying her red tangly hair in a bun.

"I guess you can cross that off your bucket list," Finn said between laughs. Sadie looked at him and smirked.

"I don't know, that heavy metal music was pretty exciting. I might listen to it all the time." Sadie replied shrugging and resting back on the seat her heartbeat still beating quickly.

"Whatever." Finn murmured humorously. Finn pulled into the parking lot belonging to the town Clayton. Clayton was the town nearest to Duntown the town where all the kids went to school.

It was time for the yearly event. Every year for the past twenty-seven years youth from Duntown and Clayton got together and fixed rundown houses in need.

Children aged from twelve to seventeen participated in these events as a community deed.

Sadie and Finn hopped out of the car and padded over to the building where the met up with the rest of the group. They all went inside and sat down in the seats facing the stage.

"Hello and welcome to this years Claytown fixer-upper!" A voice boomed through the speakers causing everyone's attention towards the stage where the main director Lisa Filbert was talking. And if any of you were confused "Claytown" is the two towns names combined together.

Finn turned to Sadie who he was sitting beside and nudged her. "Is this your first year?" He asked and Sadie shook her head.

"You probably have just never been in the same group as me." She said and he nodded turning back to Lisa.

"Before we get straight to the point about which group you are in I need everyone to understand what the rules are. First of all, no one under fourteen can handle any sharp objects or electrical equipment. Also, the dress code has been slightly altered this year. Last year as you all probably know a dear Claytown member, Jessica Halford, got her dress stuck in some of the electrical equipment. Now never did I think we would have to address the dress code for this but I think it is a must now. Please no long dresses or skirts, in fact, no dresses at all and if you do wear a skirt we ask you it be a skort. Also, I know ladies that it gets really hot outside but let's try not to expose any of our stomachs, that being no crop tops. And for the men do not take off your shirts at any given time, this is not a strip club." Lisa finished giving everyone a stern glance. Sadie didn't like the dress code considering she couldn't wear a skirt but she understood it was for her own safety.

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