seven - killer confessions

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A/N at the end of the story!!!

(⬇️Not My edit)

•* killer confessions *•

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.•* killer confessions *•.

Caleb and Noah were leading the group down the quiet streets of Duntown. Everyone was starting to question why they dressed in all black, meaning long pants and long sleeves. Though none of them wanted to admit it they were all sweating.

Caleb, Noah, Gaten, and Millie were all laughing quietly at something while Sadie and Finn managed to be stuck in the back silently walking.

"Have you ever TP'd a house before?" Finn asked quietly turning to look at Sadie. She craned her neck to look at him and he was raising his eyebrows at her.

Sadie sighed and shook her head. "No. And don't make fun of me but I've never really done anything like this before." Sadie said looking Finn in the eyes. He smiled at her and nudged her with his arm.

"Don't worry. It's really not that bad." He said and then formed an awkward silence that Sadie couldn't break due to the lack of courage. "I guess revenge isn't your strong suit?" Finn chuckled looking at her with a genuine smile. Sadie smiled back at him and laughed softly.

"I've never had a reason for revenge." She responded looking down at her feet. Finn was surprised by her comment and for many reasons.

At school people would constantly tease her. Boys would step on her skirt, girls pull at her hair. It was horrifying to him and they constantly called her names. Finn could tell Sadie wasn't weak, if she wanted to she could stand up for herself. But Sadie had some type of peaceful way of living life. She didn't believe in harming others or getting revenge. And that's the main reason why she was so different.

So Finn didn't ask what he wanted to ask, he just kept it to himself. She had probably been asked the question many times. "But why don't you stand up for yourself?" Finn asked looking at her, which she was still just staring at the ground her hair falling in her face.

"I don't know..." She trailed off looking up at him and shrugging. She reached down, out of habit, to twirl her skirt but she realized she had on tight black pants. They were really uncomfortable. Finn was looking at her expecting and answer and she mumbled "oh" before continuing. "Well I mean I don't really know how to stand up for myself. And honestly I don't want to be mean to anyone."

Finn looked up at the sky and sighed. "You don't have to be mean to stand up for yourself." He said and Sadie looked at him in question.

"How so?" She asked and Finn shrugged trying to think of an example. He motioned towards her and said:

"You be a bully and I will be you standing up for myself." Finn suggested and Sadie nodded smiling a little bit. He was being really sweet, trying to help her. "Hi I'm Sadie." Finn said in a girlish voice that made Sadie laugh.

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