Chapter - 11

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19th January , 2018.

South City Mall. 6:00 p.m.

The Max store was overloaded with customers as there was weekend sale going on. There was a long queue in the billing counter. A girl standing 5th in the queue was somehow handling her shopping bucket. Just after returning to her hometown after exams she decided to go for solo shopping. Finally after 10 minutes her chance came and the billing process was completed. She was somehow managing her 6 bags , but while reaching to the exit door a person pushed her. 

Mukti :- "Wth ! How dare you push me?"

Mukti saw the person was not listening to her. Then she complained the security about her Immediately guards run after the person and they caught her. Mukti was very frustrated.

Nandini :- "I am sorry. I didn't purposely pushed her. Leave me."

Mukti (shocked reaction) :- "You" !

She tried to recognize the face properly as it was looking like she has seen this person earlier. Both were shocked looking at each other. 

After 5 minutes :- 

Mukti :- " I think I have seen you earlier. Are you in 2012-batch pass-out of Kendriya Vidyalaya , Ballygunge and also the school 2nd ranker of 12th boards ? "

Nandini :- " OMG ! Off course. I am so glad to see you after such a long time. "

Mukti :- " I am so sorry. Actually I was in hurry and also pissed off. So, just took out my anger on you. "

Nandini :- "Relax. It's my fault. I am sorry. Don't worry. I will arrange everything."

Nandini picked up all the things and arranged her bags well. Again Mukti went with Nandini inside the stores as they wanted to spend some time together. They had snacks in the food court, exchanged numbers, clicked photos and discussed everything related to their life till now. Even they are friends in social media but they used to hardly interact. As soon as Mukti reached home she uploaded the pics on social media about her wonderful day after a long time.

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