Chapter Seven

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My lovely readers, i will be on a vacation for a few days so I will only be able to update on next Thursday! Sorry tho!


I walked to modelling company, nervousness clouding my mind. While I was biting my nails off, I entered the big grey hall, going straight for the man on the reception counter.

"Good Morning. May I help you?" The receptionist asked me, slightly scrunching his nose as he looked me from head to toes.

"Good Morning. I have an appointment with Mr. Kim at 10 a.m." I declared, using my professional voice, not enjoying the way the man was looking at me. This bitch. Where are you looking at?

"Are you sure, sweetie?" He asked, in a condescending tune, as if my presence there was impossible. I felt my nerves transform into anger and I was fuming. How does he dare!

"Listen here-"


I turned around and I came across Taehyung, who was with an elder man.

Before I could speak, the man extended his hands to me. "Oh, Mr. Jeon, I am so pleased that you could come. We were waiting for you." The man said cheerful, his smile exposing the soft wrinkles around his eyes.

"Mr. Kim?" I questioned, and the man nodded energetically.

"Yes, now let me introduce your photographer, Kim Taehyung, my nephew and a prodigy behind the cameras. But for what I gather you two have met?" Mr. Kim smiled, and I exchanged a glanced with Taehyung.

"Yes, uncle. He is Jiminie's cousin and we met saturday." Taehyung said, his eyes never leaving my face.

"Oh, well let's go. Oh, good morning." Mr. Kim said, making his way to the elevator.

Taehyung stopped next to me and we walked together to the elevator.

Mr. Kim explained everything from every department location to what my contract will be. I was a very surprised by how laid back yet professional the man was.

"If you have any doubt, Taehyung will help you." Mr. Kim said as we entered his office. "Now, as you know, we work with a wide range of companies, providing a wide variety of models. However, with you we want to make something different. Taehyung is taking on a project to bring out beauty from the ordinary things in life." Mr. Kim explained. "He refused every single one of my models, saying that they looked to professional and whatnot. So, I decided to look for new models. When I saw you in Busan, there was just something in my gut telling me that you were the one. But that's for Taehyung to decide. Even if he rejects you, Mr. Jeon, you will still have a job here as a normal model. Now, off you go." He dismissed us.

I stayed silent digesting what my new boss told me. I didn't see this coming and I was in complete and utter shock.

"Let's go. I want to see your potential." Taehyung said guiding me to the rooftop of the building. I watch him take out his camera and prepare his equipment. "Jungkook, pose naturally."

I walked around a bit and stop, leaning on to the balcony, relaxing and just looking at the scenery around me.

When Jimin told me about how beautiful Seoul was, I didn't believe him. I always thought it was too urban for my taste. I was so wrong.

It was mesmerising, and I actually wanted to discover every inch of it. I was too lost in the view that I didn't notice Taehyung moving around me, taking pictures from different angles.

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