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One month later...


"I want to get laid."

Taehyung and I started laughing at Jin's remark, not being able to shake off the deja vu feeling.

"Oh, hyung, Namjoon is coming back home tomorrow." Taehyung said, enjoying the needy Jin that it was in front of us.

Namjoon had gone to USA for a business trip for one week. He had invited Jin to go with him, but Jin couldn't leave their management of his restaurants on hold to go with his boyfriend. How Jin regretted his decision.

After Taehyung's exposition, Jin had moved in with Namjoon and my cousin had moved in with Taehyung. However, Jin always went to check the boy's well-being, still feeling responsible for the younglings.

The original trio had decided to meet up like old times, just to cheer Jin up. We went to the same bar and just voiced our thoughts out.

"But, I miss him." Jin pouted and I took his drink off his hand, since he was drunk enough already. "I miss having him around. I miss his smell. I even miss him breaking things at home."

"Your suffering is almost over, hyung." I comforted him, touching his arm lightly.

"Can we talk about something else? I don't want to cry..." Jin asked, his eyes beginning to teary up.

"How is living with my cousin?"

Taehyung smiled, his pure boxy smile and his eyes shining. "Oh, it's good. We still are figuring it out how to live as couple and we sometimes have some pointless arguments, but we never go to bed angrily at each other. What about you, Jiminie? How is living with Yoongi as a couple?"

"Aww, that's amazing really. Me and Yoongi are perfect. In all honesty, I have never expected to be in a relation and be this happy. Yoongi is an amazing man and I can't imagine a day without him." As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted them, because Jin's eyes started to tear up again.

"I want my Joonie." I hugged Jin tightly, mentally begging for that clumsy tall man to hurry up. "I am never ever going to say no when he asks me to go somewhere with him. One week is too long to be apart from him."

Taehyung joined the hug, exchanging a glance with me, and I know he was thinking the same as me. Then, as hearing our pleads, Namjoon entered the bar, looking around until his eyes found us.

Taehyung and I stopped hugging Jin and took a step away from our friend. Namjoon back hugged his love and kissed his cheek. Jin sniffed the air, recognizing the scent and looked at Joon with wide eyes. "J-joonie? What are you doing here? You were supposed to come tomorrow?"

"I came earlier. I missed you too much." Joon explained and Jin grabbed his face connecting their lips together in a not pg-13 kiss.

"Go home, lovebirds. No one needs to see that face sucking." Taehyung said, faking his disgusted, but internally he was cheerful.

"Let's go break the bed, love." Jin jumped excitedly, while Namjoon was blushing madly and me and Taehyung were laughing hard, me ending up falling from the stool.

"Just go home. No one really wants to know about your sex life." I told them as they left the bar.

"Oh shit. I remembered now that they are my neighbours and the walls are thin. Fuck my night." Taehyung complained as we drank one last drink.

"You have Jungkook for that." I teased him, and he glared at me.


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