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"Happy could you drive any slower?" I asked, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Why are you so excited to get to the Tower anyway?" He questioned.

"Because my Dad shielded me from all the Avengers bullshit for seventeen years. Seventeen. And now I finally get to see what all the hype is about and spend more than a couple of hours every weekend with my Dad? I'm not excited, I'm ecstatic." I ranted as Avengers Tower came into view. "Holy fucking shit." I mumbled.

"Hey! You're going to have to watch your mouth more because I don't think your Dad will be as lenient as I am," I snickered at the comment. "And I don't think you want Cap shouting 'language' every ten seconds."

"Oh my God! I haven't seen him in ages. I haven't seen any of them in ages." I thought for a moment. "Any new guys I should know about?" I smirked.

"Well Spider-Man is now living at the Tower, some accident with his Aunt or something, but whether or not he reveals his identity to you is not up to me." 

I crossed my arms, "Fine be that way." We pulled up to the garage of the Tower and I rolled my eyes at the cars that were obviously my father's. Soon enough I was running to the elevator to see the people I consider my family. 

I impatiently tapped my foot on the floor of the elevator as it ascended to the 24th floor, the common area. I looked up as the elevator dinged and the doors opened. There was everyone, waiting for me. 

"Y/N!" The Avengers shouted as they wrapped me in a group hug. I stood in the middle until everyone let go.

"Last time I saw you, you were four inches shorter." I turned to see who it was, to find Bucky walking towards me.

"Last time I saw you, you had an old, shitty arm. Oh wait that's right I replaced it." Bucky smirked as he pulled me into a hug.

Bucky had always been one of my favorite Uncles because he was so laid-back about what I did. While everyone else freaked out about what would happen if the Tony Stark found out his daughter had chocolate before bed, Bucky would give me a whole pack.

I looked around and noticed a guy I hadn't seen before sitting on the couch, with a mask on. I walked over, intrigued by the guy I could only assume was Spiderboy or whatever his name was.

"Hey, I'm Y/N Stark." I extended my hand.

"I-I'm Spider-Man." Ah, Spider-Man, that's what is was. He grabbed my hand and shook it before looking back down at his lap. 

I heard a booming voice and rolled my eyes, "What's up Thor?" I turned around to see the Asgardian entering with my Dad. "Hey Dad."

"What no hug or anything?" I let out a heavy sigh and walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around me before walking off somewhere with Bruce. I returned back to where the Spiderkid was and tried to study him.

"Ah- screw it. Can I just tell her? She'll probably figure it out anyways." He shouted, startling me. Everyone shrugged. He pulled off the mask and I froze. He was actually ridiculously hot. He had light brown hair that slightly curled, big brown eyes and a jawline that could cut someone. "I'm Peter Parker." I gazed for a little bit before he cut the silence again. "I c-can show you your room if you want..." I nodded and smiled.

I followed him to the end of a hallway that had multiple doors, "This one is yours." He pointed to the door on my right. 

"Who's is that?" I asked pointing to my left.

"T-That's actually mine." He smiled and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well, okay then. I'm going to get settled and then head down and get some light training in. You want to join?" This boy may be hot but he does not know how to communicate with people.

"Um sure..." He was still looking at the ground.

"Okay hows an hour sound?" He nodded and I just walked into my room, it was beautiful. The walls were a light grey and everything else followed a black/white color scheme, although there was some light pink thrown in occasionally.

I scrolled through my Instagram feed for 45 minutes before I started to get ready for training. I threw on a Nike sports bra, some running shorts and some trainers before heading down.

I walked out my door only to run face first into Peter. I looked up from my phone. "Oh. Shit. Sorry." I managed to mumble out without embarrassing myself. He was in a skin-tight t-shirt with normal athletic shorts. 

"I-It's no problem. Really." He stuttered.

"Hey- can you like show me the way to the training rooms. I've been here before but with my Dad constantly adding new things it gets a little confusing." 

"Sure. Follow me."


Alright welcome to the book I spent two sleepless nights on but it will give me something to publish once school starts again so here you go.

Only You// Peter Parker x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora