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I watched the clock tick slowly. 2 minutes until I could get out of here. I looked down and did a simple Algebra problem and looked back up. A minute and thirty seconds. I looked back down and did another problem and then back at the clock. 45 seconds. I did one last problem and looked back up. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

The bell rang and everyone scattered out of the classroom. I walked out and saw Peter and Ned walking towards the exit.

I ran to catch up with them, "Hey guys."

"Hey Y/N. You walking home?" Ned yelled over the noise erupting through the hallways.

I shook my head, "No. I got a ride."

"Ugh, why do you guys get rides and I have to walk home?" We all laughed. "Alright, I'll see you guys around." We waved and then separated ways, Ned going towards the road, Peter and I going towards the parking lot. We found Happy in a minivan with a blonde wig.

"Wow looking good." I smirked as I climbed in. He just mock laughed. Peter got in on the other side and made a similar comment.

"So," I turned to Peter, "I'll just go for a walk or something tonight."

"Are you sure? I don't want him to make it so you can't walk around your own house."

"I'm sure."

Happy drove in silence until we arrived at the Tower. I rushed in and quickly finished the homework I had been given. I glanced at the electronic clock in the corner of my room, 4:57. I still had time so I decided to make something to eat. I walked into the kitchen and was greeted by Steve.

"You already finished your homework?"

"You bet your fucking ass I did."I said proudly as I continued to grab things out of the fridge until I noticed his silence. I slowly turned my head in his direction, he had his mouth wide open and he wasn't moving. I rolled my eyes for the 900th time that day, "Okay I'm sorry, you bet your frickin' booty I did." He still didn't move. I raised my eyebrows and turned back to my food, waiting for the lecture.

He was silent for a few more minutes when he randomly started shouting. "There it is." I whispered underneath my breath.

"You are 17! How can you have a mouth like that! If I said something like that back in my day I would've gotten beat and then soap in my mouth!" I just leaned back on the counter, eating a ham and cheese sandwich as he continued. He went on for several minutes before someone else walked in.

"Hey! What's going on in here?" I looked over to my Dad standing in the doorway.

"What do you mean, 'What's going on?' Y/N swore, Tony. Like really swore." I smirked and looked at my Dad.

"Really Steve?" He walked over to me, "So how was school?" He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"It was school but it was good. I hung out with Peter and his friend Ned. They're pretty cool but Ned is coming over later so I'm going out for a walk in about," I looked at the clock on the stove. "Now actually." My Dad let out a breath. "Dad, I will be fine, okay? I can fight and no one knows who I am." He nodded and moved out of my way.

"Just be careful and aware of your surroundings." He hugged me, "I love you."

"Love you too." I walked to the elevator.

"Ground floor, JARVIS." I thought about where to go on my trip down. I don't know the city that well so I figured I'd just walk around. I put in my earbuds and started one of my playlists. The elevator opened and I walked out of the building. I turned right and and continued taking random turns until I found myself in a random part of the city that wasn't particularly settling. I walked quickly, my hands in my pockets. I tried to focus on the song playing and not on my surroundings. It was completely dark until headlights illuminated the road ahead of me. I expected, hoped that the car would drive past me but it didn't. I pulled out an earbud and turned. I saw five guys getting out of the car that was now parked on the side of the road. Before I could run, strong hands grabbed my arms and pushed me into the alley behind me.

"Stop! What do you want?!" I screamed at the man. In response he shoved me to the ground. A second man came up behind him.

"It wasn't very nice what you did to me today." I knew that voice. "Humiliating me like that." I thought quickly trying to recognize the voice. "I've decided that I don't deserve to be treated like that so this is your punishment." Flash.

"What do you want Flash?" He ignored me and started whispering to the guys around him. Next thing I knew, each one was holding down one of my limbs. I started kicking trying to escape but couldn't. I tried to scream but one of them punched me. I kept screaming, trying to get anyone's attention as Flash ripped off clothing. One of the other guys continued to punch me as I screamed. I heard a yell I didn't recognize as the boys scrambled, leaving me half-naked and confused. A man came over to me and I flinched.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded as I stood up.

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