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We sat there making small talk and enjoying each other's presence for a while.

"I have to go, Spidey business." Peter finally realized how late it had actually gotten.

I crossed my arms and pouted, "You can't skip one night?"

"No, but I wish I could just to spend it with you."

"Then let me come with you." I knew he would say no but I already prepared the argument in my head.

"Y/N, no it's dangerous." He said sternly.

"Come on." I said dragging out the 'n'.


"I know how to fight and pretty damn well for never being properly trained and I would say I'm pretty stealthy."

"You can't climb walls."

"I'll stay on the ground." I pleaded with my eyes.

"Ugh, fine, but you have to be careful. I think I might still have an old prototype of a suit. Different design same capabilities."

I kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you!" He blushed as I followed him into his room.

A half hour later I was in the suit and Peter had taught me how to use one of his spare web shooters. Thank God the suit conformed to my body because I would not be able to fit into it if it didn't. This suit was the same as Peter's but this one was blue and black.

"I made that one after your Dad made this one. You know, in case I ever wanted to switch it up or if he took the suit away again." He shrugged and I snickered.

"We're going to have to go out my window so my Dad doesn't see."

"And how are you going to get down exactly?"

"You're gonna carry me down!" I said walking towards my room.

He ran after me, "Oh am I now?"

I popped out the screen of the window and stood waiting for him, "Yep. Now let's go!"

Peter managed to carry me down and teach me how to swing from building to building so I don't have to ride on his back. I got the hang of it relatively quickly but it still was tricky.

We had been swinging around for about an hour when Peter finally sensed trouble.

"Um I'm going to get up on the roof, you stay down here but stay out of sight."

I nodded and proceeded to run down an alley and hide behind a dumpster. I peeked around the edge and saw a small bank robbery. In a flash Peter was on the ground and webbing up the intruders.

I watched as the third guy put him in a headlock and put a gun to his head. My heart rate increased and I knew I couldn't just sit there. I sprinted down the alley and used the web shooter to grab the man's gun and yank it away, allowing Peter to turn and capture the final guy.

He walked over to me, "Nice!" He gave me a high five and turned as the police sirens neared. That was the most exhilarating thing I'd ever done and the weird thing was, it felt right, as if I should be doing it.

"Hey it's getting late we should probably head back. We have school tomorrow."

I nodded, "We aren't that far from the Tower. You'll just have to carry me up this time."

He rolled his eyes as we began our walk back to the Tower.

Peter pushed me through the window first and I immediately turned to help him.

"Peter?" I asked him once he was in.


"I want to do that more often."

"Okay, well I mean, I can bring you once in a while. Probably best on Fridays or Saturdays because if school but-"

"Peter... no. I want to do this more often then that."


"I'll make my own suit, webshooters, everything. I just want you to be there."

"Um...well I guess I can't really stop you." He said with a smile.

"Yes!!" I hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"Y/N... can I ask a question now?"

"Sure." I cocked my head and looked at him.

"What are we?"

I smirked, "What do you want us to be?"

"More than friends?" He said looking at the ground.

"Sounds perfect." I said stepping closer to him.

"Really?!" He looked up at me.

"Yeah, but we can't tell my Dad or he'll blast you through the wall." Our faces were only centimeters away now.

"Okay." His arm snaked around my waist and pulled me closer. I looked into his eyes and closed the gap between us. Not to sound cliché but sparks flew. I wanted nothing more than to kiss him for eternity but I knew I needed to breathe so I pulled away. I rested my forehead against his and caught my breath.

"I should get some sleep." He said breathlessly. I nodded and allowed him to leave.

As my door clicked shut I fell backwards into my bed, and fell asleep thinking about that amazing kiss, not even bothering to change out of the suit.

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