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I put little Ben in his car seat as we prepared to leave the hospital after a week of close monitoring.

They put me in a wheelchair, even though I really didn't need it. Peter grabbed Bans cars seat and his bag. I placed the bag on my lap as a nurse pushed me out to the entrance.

I told her thank you as I got up, Peter among sure he grabbed my arm and helped me into the cab. He had paid a little extra to install the car seat in the car for the short ride home. Peter helped me in and then locked Ben's car seat into place before getting in himself.

"Where to guys?" The taxi driver asked.

"12-" Peter started.

"Avengers Tower." I finished.

"Seriously?" Both Peter and the driver asked.

"Yes." I told the driver.

"Y/N are you sure? We haven't seen them in almost two years. And we are t exactly in the same position we were in when we last saw them." Peter asked worriedly.

"I want my Dad and them to know. Having Ben made me realize how much pain I must have caused him a-and I really just want to make it up to him." I said. It had been the first time I called Tony 'Dad' since we walked out.

Peter nodded, "Okay. I support you 100% as always."

By the time we got to the Tower nerves had made me feel like I was going to throw up.

Both Peter and I got out, him carrying Ben.

"O-okay," I said shakily. We entered the building and went straight to the elevator. "24th floor JARVIS."

"Yes Ms. Stark." I winced. It had been at least a year since someone called me that.

"When we get up there, keep yourself and Ben out of sight until you here me say something that insinuates you coming out okay?" I looked Peter in the eye, "I just don't want to drop it on them all at once."

He nodded and took a sleeping Ben out of his car seat as the elevator arrived at the correct floor.

I took a shaky breath and squeezed Peter's hand before exiting the elevator. I twirled the ring on my finger as I walked around, hoping to run into someone.

I was looking at the ground when I bumped into someone.

"Oh jeez, I'm sorry I was-" I looked up at Steve. He stared at me before pulling me into a tight embrace. "Y/N..." He whispered. I could tell he was crying and I was too. Steve was always like a second father to me and it killed me to leave him like I did.

He finally pulled away and wiped some tears away. "W-where were you. We searched for months. We thought you were hurt or dead or kidnapped. I've missed you."

"I-I..." I inhaled sharply as I played with my fingernails. "It's long story... can you just get everyone together?"

He nodded before pulling me into another hug. "Jesus Christ Y/N you had us all so scared."

In ten minutes I heard Steve talking to everyone in the living room. I took a minute to gather myself.

"You guys have to promise not to freak out okay?" I heard him say followed with a chorus of 'okays' and 'yeahs'.

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time. I really had changed. My hair was way long and I still had baby weight.

I finally pulled myself from the mirror and walked out into the living room. I shut my eyes and waited for yelling but instead I was met with gasps and sobs.

I felt arms around me and looked up to see Nat, then Wanda, followed by Sam and Bruce.

Everyone else stayed seated, still too shocked to comprehend the moment.

Then I heard one familiar voice that I noticed wasn't in the bunch.

"Who are we hugging? Did I miss someone's birthday again? Whoops." My Dad said sarcastically.

Everyone stepped away from me so my Dad could see. He stopped cleaning the grease off his hands and stared at me slack jawed for a while.

I felt tears welling in my eyes. "Daddy..." I whispered.

He dropped his rag as I ran towards him. He enveloped me in a hug and didn't let go.

We stayed wrapped in each other's arms for a while before he said something.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry for how I reacted, what I said, everything I ever fucked up on. I so so sorry."

"No it's okay Daddy. I'm sorry for running."

"Will you please come back and live here again. Y/N please I'll do anything." He pleaded.

"Well..." I tried to think of how to answer. I was actually surprised nobody had noticed the ring I had been spinning every ten seconds. "Everyone just sit down. It's a really long story."

Everyone found a seat and I stood in front of them, still trying to calm my nerves.

"So..." I laughed lightly and swiped a tear out of the corner of my eye. "I kind of have a surprise for you... but you can't get angry or I swear to God I will never talk to any of you again."

I waited a second for Peter to come out but I didn't. I rolled my eyes, "Pete, baby, you can come out now."

Everyone started whispering. He rounded the corner with a still sleeping Ben. Everyone gasped as he handed me Ben carefully.

"So long story short, Peter and I hid out in hotels until we turned 18, then we got an apartment, I got pregnant and we got married." I held up my hand where a simple ring could be seen. "And..." I said repositioning Ben, "This is Benjamin Grant Parker and he's one week old."

Steve was the first to stand up and hold Ben.

"Grant?" He asked.

"You helped us and me so much that we figured that we should say thank you in some way."

He cradled Ben's head as he got a good look at him, "Hey Ben. I'm your Uncle Steve." He had tears in his eyes that were obvious no matter how many times he wiped them away.

Bucky came up next to him and gave me a hug before stealing Ben from Steve's arms.

"God Y/N, Parker, he's beautiful." This prompted for more people to come up and hold him and congratulate Peter and I.

A half hour later the only person to not hold him was my Dad. I took him from Bruce's arms, for which I earned a pout.

"Dad..." I gestured for him to take the baby as he gently wrapped his hands around him.

He let tears fall to his cheeks as he admired him. "Y/N," He looked to me, "I missed so much, even my own daughter's wedding and the birth of my own grandchild, all because I was a dick. I could never apologize enough."

He looked back down at Ben. Peter had been over in the corner talking to Bucky and Steve when my Dad called him over.

He stood next to me and interlocked our fingers. It was cute that he was still terrified of my Dad even when he was holding his baby and had tears in his eyes.

"Thank you. For keeping her safe and good job. Making this little one." Ben had wrapped his little finger around my Dad's.


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