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We walked through the back halls of the Tower and went down the 'emergency' stairs that most people don't even know exist. We slipped out into the warm sunlight and started to walk down the busy sidewalks of New York.

"Oh God, Y/N. Your bruises look like they got even worse."

I looked down at my legs and noticed the large, purple marks scattered everywhere. "They're fine. They'll heal in a couple of days and then nobody will know what happened except for you and me."

"And Flash." I shot a glare at him. "Seriously Y/N what are you going to do when you go back to school tomorrow? Just ignore him?"

"Yeah, pretty much." I kicked a small rock a few feet ahead of me.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to face him, "You know you can't just do that."

"Maybe not by I can sure as hell try first." I yanked my wrist away and started walking again.

We walked in silence for a few minutes before Peter spoke up again, "I think we need to talk about something."

"If it's about Flash-"

"I swear it's not." He interrupted.

"Okay then, proceed."

"Your Dad. Why does he watch your every move?"

That's not what I was expecting him to ask. I was expecting him to say something about the wink but I was happy he didn't even though my Dad is a touchy subject.

"Well, um..."

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to..."

"No it's no big deal. It's just that there's really no reason, he just does. He only saw me once a week for the first seventeen years of my life, hired nanny after nanny until I was 10 and he decided I could 'take care of myself.' Ten Peter. I should've been playing dolls with the girls from my school but instead I was making dinner and hoping that it was edible so I wouldn't have to bother my Dad or neighbors. And don't get me wrong, I love my Dad, with all my heart but sometimes he just so clueless and blind to reality."

I felt Peter's stare on me for a while. "Wow I'm sorry. I figured you grew up in a mansion with cooks and maids."

"Nope. My Dad didn't want anyone to catch on so I got a small colonial that I wasn't allowed out of unless he was there." I didn't really how truly shitty my childhood was until I explained it to Peter. I knew I sounded snobby saying 'small colonial' like people around me hadn't had worse but if you consider what my Dad could've done, it made no sense. I didn't blame my Dad for any of it, I knew he was basically all alone his whole life but he cared so much about people not finding out who I was that I had to do what no child should have to do by themselves.

"Why didn't he just tell everyone and keep guards around you at all times? I mean wouldn't that be the same as letting a ten year old cook on a stove by herself?"

I thought for a moment. Why hadn't he done that? Yeah it would be embarrassing but I would've got to grow up with my Dad around at all times. He could've had Natasha train me and I could've been home schooled. Then it hit me.

"Peter when did my Dad finally let you move into the Tower?"

"Uh- I think he told me to stay at my old apartment and make sure I wanted to and then if I did he'd come get me on my seventeenth birthday."

I stopped in my tracks which earned annoyed glances and remarks from those around me. "Oh my God." I turned around and ran, leaving Peter behind. I ran until I got to the door of the Tower. I ran through the mass of people on the first floor. I abused the open button on the elevator hoping no one else would get in. It finally opened as my eyes welled with tears.

"JARVIS, my Dad's workshop please."

"Of course Ms. Stark."

By the time I got to my Dad's workshop some tears had spilled over the edge. I put in the pass-code as the blaring music turned down.

"JARVIS where's my music?" My Dad said front the corner of the room.

I didn't wait for JARVIS to respond, I had to ask him now. "Did you really keep me out there for seventeen years because you didn't want to ruin your reputation?"

My Dad spun in his chair, "Y/N? What? That makes no sense. Why would I do that to you?"

"No it makes perfect sense. That's why you only came out once a week. Why I lived in a colonial instead of the Tower. Why I went to a small school. Why I only had a nanny and no one else because god forbid you lived with your child! Why I had to, at 10, learn how to cook so I wouldn't burn the house down and disappoint you! And why you brought me out here at seventeen. Because I asked Peter and guess who else was brought out here when he was seventeen? Him. Because once someone's seventeen you can declare them an avenger and no one will ask questions. Peter's right, you could've told everyone, home schooled me, kept guards around me, trained me to protect myself, I don't know, lived with your fucking child? You didn't want to protect me you wanted to protect your reputation. God you're so egotistical, maybe if you let go of that for one goddamn minute you would've seen that your child was suffering all those years."

He was looking at his feet, tears streaming down his face. I didn't feel bad in the slightest right now. I felt good, I got what I've been trying to get off my chest for years over with. I saw his mouth open as if he was going to say something but he shut it again.

I turned and went to my room.

"J, lock the door please and don't let anyone in no after what."

"Okay Ms. Stark."

"I'm serious JARVIS! Don't let my Dad override it."

"As you wish."

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