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I sat, my back against the wall, contemplating whether or not to stay at the Tower. Had my Dad really not wanted me? That thought had always poked at the back of my mind but I never believed it. It must have been true though. I know my Dad and he never does anything less than perfect when it comes to his loved ones. I remember him telling me a story about a girl he had been dating for a month and how he rented out the entire restaurant so they could enjoy their one month anniversary. One month. What did seventeen years mean to him then? Surely he would've given me everything.

Someone knocked on my door and pulled me from my thoughts. I ignored it and hoped whoever it was would go away but they knocked again.

"Go away. I don't want to talk."

"Y/N, it's Steve. Come on you have to talk to someone."

"Go away Steve!"

I heard silence and then another knock. I gritted my teeth, "I said go away Steve!"

"It's not Steve, it's Peter!"

I took a deep breath. I had only known Peter a few days but I trusted him more than my own father right now. I slowly got up and opened the door. "Hey Peter."

"Uh- hey. Are you okay? I heard what happened between you and your Dad and everyone seems awfully concerned with him and not you so I just wanted to make sure your okay."

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I've just not had a good couple of days here huh?" I laughed away the pain. "Do you want to come in?"


I pulled him in and shut the door, ordering JARVIS to re-lock it. He sat awkwardly at the end of my bed, twiddling his thumbs, he looks cute when he does that.

"Are you sure you're okay? From what I heard things got pretty heated."

"Not really, it was more of a one-sided argument." I sat down next to him.

"If you don't mind me asking... what happened?"

I exhaled, "Remember when I asked you about how old you were when they declared you an Avenger and asked you to move in here?"


"Well my Dad moved me in here not too long after my seventeenth birthday and I remember him telling me at one point that in order to be a 'full' Avenger you had to be seventeen, any younger and your just an Avenger in training."

He nodded along, "Huh. I'd never put two and two together."

"Anyways," I continued, "After you mentioned how he could have had guards around me whenever I went out, trained me and such I realized that he could've done that and told everyone. I could've lived with him instead of seeing him once a week. Then I put all the pieces together, that he wanted to protect his reputation. He didn't want anyone else to know about me."

I looked up at Peter, who was giving me a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was that bad." He switched his gaze to the floor.

"Peter..." I pulled his chin up, "Stop apologizing for things that aren't your fault. You're a great person and friend."

We both found each other's eyes. I could stare into his forever, they were brown, but not the boring kind of brown, a bright chocolate brown that portrayed every emotion. He started to lean in and I mimicked his motions. I put my hand on his cheek and pulled him closer allowing our lips to lock. I didn't know what I was doing but it felt right. I enjoyed the moment, my first kiss, something I'd been dreaming of since I was 12. I didn't let it last too long, but long enough to be enjoyable. I smiled against his lips and pulled away.

"T-That probably sucked I'm sorry." Peter mumbled after.

"What do you mean?"

"Well i-it was my first kiss." He said, dropping his voice at the end.

"Me too." I said smiling.


"Yeah, my Dad kind of 'forbid' me from ever dating anyone or anything so."

Peter suddenly looked up at me and widened his eyes, "S-So w-will he l-like hurt me?"

I laughed and bit my lip, "No, I won't let him and I don't follow his rules anymore." Peter nodded. "I know it's only been a few days but I like you a lot Peter."

"I like you a lot too Y/N."

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