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My family continued to trash talk 'Spider-Girl' as I sat, now in the living room, playing with a string attached to my shorts.

"What do you think Y/N?" The question took me by surprise as I looked up at Sam.

"About what?"

Everyone laughed. "About Spider-Girl?"

I shrugged, "I mean, if she has powers like Peter maybe she would be a good asset to the team. And isn't it great seeing Peter have a little girlfriend?" I teased.

My Dad raises his eyebrows and looked in Peter's direction. "Wow, Parker! And you didn't even tell us."

"No, no she's not my girlfriend." He sent me a scowl and I rolled my eyes in return. " I don't even know her true identity or if she's already dating someone." He added, clearly trying to make it so if they found out about one they wouldn't find out about the other. I grinned in his direction and mouthed 'thank you'.

My Dad didn't seem convinced.

"What about you Y/N? Any cute boys at school?" Nat asked.

Steve snorted and I flipped him off.

"Well ther-" I started only to be cut off by my Dad.

"There is no boys and there will be no boys." He grinned slyly.

"Tony you can't keep her from dating forever. And you definitely can't keep a camera on her at all times once she's older and wants to get it on." Nat continued.

"Oh my God Nat!" My Dad covered his ears and acted like I would never do something so scandalous.

"She will not ever do something like that!" Steve continued for him.

"I don't know she's seventeen, I say give it six months." Bucky kept going.

I was dying of laughter at this point. My Dad looked mortified and Steve hit Bucky.

"Okay are you guys serious?" I said through laughs, "I'll swipe my v-card when I find someone that deserves it. May be in a year, may be in twenty. Who knows?"

Wanda and Nat high-fived me for my response while my Dad and Steve left the room. Apparently they couldn't take their sweet and innocent Y/N actually having sexual thoughts. Bucky ruffled my hair, "Just make sure you use protection when you do." He said before walking off towards his room.

"Okay well even after that amazing discussion I have algebra homework to do so I'll be on my way." I got up from my place on the sofa. "Peter wanna help me?" He nodded and we both headed back to my room.

Once the door was shut I started to wheeze with laughter. Peter took a step back and was obviously concerned.

"Y/N are you okay?"

"Yeah... Yeah. Just that whole conversation." I laughed lightly again. "Little do they know..." I wrapped my arms around Peter's neck, "You're the one most likely to take it at the moment." I kissed his cheek and then went to grab my homework from my bag.

"R-really?" He stuttered. God, it was so cute when he did that.

"Yes Peter you're my boyfriend. That's what couples do when the time is right." I turned to face him, "Do I need to give you the talk?"

He rolled his eyes and sighed at me, "You really get on my nerves. But you're cute so I guess that makes up for it."

We worked for a couple hours and I managed to get all my homework done and helped Peter with some of his.

I studied every feature of his face. How his nose curved ever so slightly at the end, how his brown curls framed his face, how his chocolate brown eyes were focused on the work in front of him. I loved him so much and wanted to tell someone, anyone besides people in our school but I knew how that ended. I had played that scenario out in my head a million times, but every single time it ended in Peter and I not being allowed to see each other anymore.

I traced his jawline with my finger and he looked at me. "I love you Peter Parker. No matter what my Dad or anyone says. No one can stop me from loving you."

His lip curved into a smile as he closed the space between us for a split second, "I love you too Y/N Stark. No matter what. I will always love you."

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