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-Graduation Day- (for everyone that lost track of time they are eight months into their relationship)

I straightened out my gown and adjusted my cap. Strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist and he kissed my cheek. "Baby, what are you going to do if they show up?"

He was talking about the Avengers. I hadn't seen them or spoken to them in two months. Every single one of them blew up my phone everyday to the point where I blocked them all. Life was actually good without them. Peter and I had been looking at small apartments so we could buy one as soon as we turned eighteen. The cash I stole from my Dad was slowly dwindling but Peter had just landed a job at a pretty big corporation. We were both shocked because of his lack of schooling but they said the Stark internship was enough proof that he was capable. We were happier than ever.

"They won't. What are they supposed to say when people start asking questions? 'Oh yeah I'm here for the daughter you guys don't know about'. I just think it's highly unlikely."

And I was right. No one showed up for me or Peter. Although it made things easier, it still upset me slightly that they wouldn't even attempt to see me but they were in a different life now. The only thing that I brought with me from that life was Peter and that money. But, now I have a job at a local cafe so we are beginning to support ourselves, once Peter starts his job.

Peter and I were ubering back to our hotel when my phone began to ring, I answered it despite not knowing the number.

I listened carefully and let a large smile replace my previous frown. I hung up ad squealed.

"What happened Y/N?" Peter asked.

"We got it! We got the apartment that we really wanted! They said that they'll hold it for us until we turn eighteen and then we can actually have it!"

"Really! Y/N that's amazing!" Peter pulled me into a tight embrace.

I pulled away and took a deep breath, "Now we can really escape Tony, he won't know to look in apartments."

Everyday since we left Tony has been searching for us, a few times we would walk down just to find him at the front desk, arguing and trying to get the security tapes from the receptionist.

"He probably thinks we're in a different state." Peter chuckled.

"Some days I do miss him but then I remember the things he said, the things he did and it makes me want to run further away from him."

"I know baby."

"God! I'm just so excited to move on with my life and I'm happy it's with you."

"I love you." He pressed a kiss to my lips as the uber came to a stop.

We thanked the driver and made our way back to our room.

"What do you want to do today? I'm bored of just sitting in this room for days." Peter stated.

I was getting bored too. All we did was sit inside in fear of running into one of the Avengers but I didn't want to anymore, if I really wanted to be free I had to let go of that fear.

"You want to grab dinner?" I asked, "I'm really in the mood for Italian."

"Yes! Oh my God! Thank you!" He yelled.

I laughed, "Alright let's go to the fancy place up by that one store you like."

He first pumped the air. "This is why I love you!"

I hit his arm and pressed the button for our floor.


I wore a short, black dress and Peter wore a dress shirt and pants. It was really annoying having to buy a whole new wardrobe after we walked out on Tony. We left everything there, clothes, personal items, things I would've loved to keep but they probably trashed our rooms so I knew I wasn't getting anything back.

"You ready?" I asked as Peter tied his shoes.

"Yep." He stood up and offered me his arm as we walked out of the room .


Dinner was delicious and hit the spot. We had mostly been living off of whatever the hotel had. It was great to finally get out of the room and do something that we enjoyed. The night was filled with amazing conversation and lustful looks. It honestly felt like when we first started dating and it was amazing.

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