Part 32- You're no daughter of mine!

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Belle's POV

Lydia was fully moved in now, much to my despair! Lydia hates me and I hate her! She's always causing trouble for me and blaming me, even if it's her fault; she broke a glass and blamed me, she spilt coffee on Jack's white hoodie and blamed me, she even accidentally ripped her own top and blamed me!

Jack his distanced himself even more now! He just wants nothing to do with me! It's all about Lydia now! It's got to the point where he doesn't even want me eating with them; he puts my food in front of my door and I have to put the plate there when i'm finished. Even Jade now does her tutoring with me in my room.

I've never felt so isolated!


I was in my room, lying on my bed, alone! Surprise surprise! Jade left tutoring about an hour ago and I'd just finished my homework from her.

Just then, my door opened and Conor walked in.

"hi kiddo" he said.

I just gave a weak smile.

"You gonna come through to the living room?" he asked.

"No" I said.

"Why?!" Conor asked.

"I don't want to!" I said.

"Why?!" he asked again.

Oh I don't know, maybe because Jack hates me!

"I just don't!" I said.

"This is because of Lydia isn't it!?!" he asked.

I just put my head down.

Well, that was half the truth.

"Come on" he said, pulling me up. "I want to spend time with you!"

"We could do it in here!" I said, trying to persuade him to let me stay in here.

"Nope!" he said.

Conor put his hand on the small of my back and guided me through to the living room.

"Look who's came to join us!" Conor cheered.

Lydia scowled at me. Jack didn't even acknowledge me!

"Why don't you go sit next to Jack?!" Conor suggested.

I nodded and walked up to Jack, but he stood up and walked through to the kitchen.

My heart sank. Conor followed him through.

"He hates you!" Lydia hissed, smirking.

"Shut up!" I yelled, knowing she was right.

Whilst no one was looking, Lydia kicked my stomach, causing me to yelp. She then smirked, what was she up to?!

"Owwwwwwwwww!" Lydia jumped up and yelled, starting to fake cry.

Jack and Conor ran through.

"What's wrong babe?!" Jack asked, walking up to her.

I stepped back.

"She hit me!" Lydia fake cried.


She hit me!

I never hit her!

She was the one who hit me!

"No!" I yelled. "She hit me!"

"Enough!" Jack yelled.

I ran over to Conor and he wrapped me in his arms.

"How dare you hit Lydia!" Jack yelled.

"Jack" Conor said. "Belle's your daughter, she'd never do that!"

"No!" Jack said. "She's no daughter of mine!"

End of part 32


Well, until next time!


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