Chapter 44

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*Rebel's pov*
" So you're like his slave?" I asked Peter who was in the kitchen working on some school assignment.

" For the 1 millionth time, no I am not his slave I'm his intern" Peter repeated.

" I don't see a difference?" I snark, just to get on his nerves.

Peter just gives me a cold look and sighs, returning his focus back on his work. I turn around on the couch where I'm sitting and stare at Peter, this is what he does all day, work?

" We should at least do something fun, since we're stuck together" I offer, hoping maybe we could turn this "play date" into something more fun.

"Mr. Stark said we have to stay here" Peter replies, never taking his eyes off his work.

Damn, who knew this kid was such a buzzkill?

" Come on, you're always so proper with your 'Mr. Stark this and you're Mr. Stark that', don't you ever just do something, I don't know fun, like a normal person?" I question, this time Peter looks up from his work, looking rather offended.

" For your information, yes I do fun things like a normal person, but Mr. Stark said I've gotta keep you here." Peter snaps, I didn't know he was capable of any other emotion beside his politeness.

" Well I don't believe you." I say challenging him, knowing boys they can't pass up a challenge.

" Okay whatever." Peter says trying to stay focus on his work, but I can tell he is struggling with my constant need to talk.

" I want you to prove it to me, that you're actually capable of having fun" I say, a smirk tugging my lips.

" If I prove it to you, then will you leave me alone?" He says in an annoyed tone.

" Maybe, maybe not" I say giving him a mischievous smile.

" That's a bet I'm willing to make" he says giving me a small smile back.

I slip on my shoes and drag Peter away from his work. We run down the busy streets of New York, I lead the way to our first activity. I stop in front of an art kiosk on the sidewalk, Peter just looked confused.

I take a little jar of paint from the artists side table (when she wasn't looking) and open the lid before flashing a evil smile at Peter.

"What are you gonna do with th-" Peter never got to finish his sentence because I lurched the small jar of paint at him, letting the paint splatter all over his face and shirt.

" What the h-" Peter yells, getting cut off when the artist turned around seeing me holding the empty jar of paint and Peter covered in it. Peter quickly grabbed another jar of paint throwing it at me. I stand there in shock at first that he actually got me back, something I never saw coming. I grabbed his arm pulling him away from the artist who was about to get up grab us, probably to hold us before the police come. We're now running the opposite direction from the art kiosk, still unaware that I'm still holding his hand.

We stop when we figure we're far enough away that the artist lost us, I look down and notice we are still holding hands, I quickly slip my hands out of Peter and into my jean pockets. When Peter notices he blushes a deep red, trying to hid it but failing.

" Where to now?" I ask Peter.

" Follow me" He says before jogging off barely letting me catch up.

We run the the streets of New York gigging and covered in paint, who knew hanging with Peter Parker would be this fun?

He stops at the stairs down to the subway, I give him a confused look but follow him as he runs down the stairs. He stops me in front of a parked train that was now boarding, taking my hand again and pulling me inside with him just before the doors slid close.

" Where are you taking me Mr. mysterious?" I say wagging my eyebrows at him, which caused him to grin.

" I'm taking you to my school" he says rather perky, my smile fades when he tells me.

" Ugh I thought you were fun, why would you ruin it by taking me to your dumb school?" I whine, yet with all my complaining his smile never faded.

"You just got to trust me with this one" Peter says looking out the window of the train.

About 5 minuets later we stop in Queens, where Peter had told me he lived. We walked a few block before stopping in the front of " Midtown Highschool" my eyes lit up when I noticed that this was the school Jax goes to. Peter leads me inside, guiding me throughout the school in till we enter a large empty classroom, a science classroom I assumed.

" What are we doing in here Parker." I ask still not thrilled he dragged me into his dumb school.

" We're gonna star watch, Stark" he says grinning, taking notice that I didn't appreciate him using my last name.

" Don't call me that" I say narrowing my eyes trying my best to give him my evil glare.

" Whatever you say, Stark" He smirks knowing how frustrated I'm getting.

" Shut up and continue whatever thing you were about to do" I say turning around to hid how I was blushing from him.

He turns on a projector and grabs a computer, he types away as I explore the science lab. Soon he stands up and switches the lights off, then the projector comes to life showing a live image of space on a blank wall. He grabs two chairs, insisting I sit down as well and watch. At first I thought it was dumb, but soon I couldn't keep my eyes off the projected image.

" What do you think?" Peter asks looking a little nervous.

" it''s... amazing" I says breathlessly not taking my eyes off the image.

We spend an hour and a half just watching the live star feed, although it felt like we sat there forever. Then Peters phone buzzes and when he checks it he instantly stands up and turns off the projector and laptop.

" Awe, why'd you turn it off" I pout sticking my lower lip out for more effect.

" Mr. Stark is on his way home, I didn't tell him we went out and if he gets to the tower before we do we're all screwed." Peter says while putting the room back together quickly.

We sprint out of the high school and back to the subway, getting on the first train that's going into the direction of the tower. Luckily we made it there with five minutes to spare before Tony arrived, just enough time to come up with a lie to tell him for why we were out of breath and covered in paint together.

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