Part VII: A Lover

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Feeling like her throat was dry as the desert and lightheaded, Bo left Jungkook's room and walked to the kitchen. She was surprised to see the light on.

"You're here," Bo said as she sat down next to Jin at the kitchen table half covered with Soju bottles.

"Yes, I'm here. Why, did you miss me?" Jin said, smiling at her.

"Well, yeah," Bo said. "You've barely been here at all this month." And you've been basically ignoring me whenever I see you, she added silently, trying not to feel the pang of hurt creeping up on her.

"I've been at Sandeul's. You leaving? Is Jungkook done with you for the night?"

Bo ignored the jab Jin made at her relationship with Jungkook although it was more painful than she cared to admit. "I feel like you've barely spoken to me lately, Jin. You're always asleep when I see you at work," Bo said looking down.

"Well, I haven't been sleeping well at Sandeul's place." He poured the rest of the Soju into a whiskey glass and offered it to Bo who shook her head profusely. He downed it in one go and opened another.

"Is everything okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, Sandeul will be fine. It's been a hard transition for him, with Baro and Jinyoung leaving B1A4."

"I meant is everything okay with you?" Bo asked.

"Me? Yeah, just... family stuff," he said, looking away.

Bo nodded sympathetically. "My family is really on me right now too. My parents want me to return to New York."

"What? Why?" Jin asked worriedly.

Bo brightened a bit at Jin's show of concern. "They keep saying that they want grandkids soon. My mom even sent me an article about females' eggs shriveling up once they turn thirty years old."

"Your mom knows that there are plenty of men with abundant baby-making sperm in South Korea, right?"

"That's exactly what I said!" Bo felt relief that he was finally treating her with the same warmth as before. She had missed this, missed him.

"So, are you going to go back then?" Jin asked.

"There's nothing really keeping me here besides this job, I guess," Bo replied with a shrug.

"What about Jungkook?"

"Jungkook will be fine without me," Bo scoffed. "Do you know how many girls are lining up to take my place?"

Jin furrowed his brow. "Yeah, but it takes a long time for Jungkook to get comfortable with girls. It took you guys, how long? Six months before he confessed?"

"Are you trying to guilt me into staying by his side?" Bo accused him.

"Uh, no. Definitely not. Not at all," Jin stuttered. I just feel guilty that I want you by my side instead, he thought inwardly, feeling angry and ashamed at the same time.

"Okay, enough about me. What's going on with your family?" she prodded.

"Boy stuff. You wouldn't understand," he said dismissively, hoping she would take the hint and change the subject.

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