VIII. An Agreement

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Jin sat in a hotel room in the middle of Gangnam. He didn't know where else he could get total privacy to see Bo. Just the thought of seeing her again, touching her, smelling her left an ache in his chest. He'd imagined his homecoming for so long, but it had ended up nothing like he had wanted. But that was before he found out that he was the reason Bo lost the baby.

There was a knock at the door, and Jin immediately stood up. He opened the door and there Bo stood, looking more beautiful than he remembered. Radiant skin with a dark curtain of hair, the only thing that was missing was her usual warm smile. No, instead a decidedly grim look covered her face.

Jin couldn't help feeling disappointed that she didn't look happy to see him. In fact, she looked scared.

"Hi," Bo said nervously. She wanted so badly to run to him and bury herself in his arms. But instead, she stood awkwardly by the door.

Jin gestured for her to come in and take a seat. "Thanks for coming," he said. Then he mentally kicked his own ass for sounding so formal and insincere. He picked up the teapot and poured her a cup as she took a seat.

"It didn't sound like I had a choice honestly," she said quietly.

Jin averted his eyes, not liking the direction the conversation was going already. "I... um, I was caught off guard when I called you. I didn't expect to hear Jungkook's voice on the line," he explained.

She nodded. "He is worried about you. Everyone is worried about you actually. They don't understand why you haven't signed your contract with Big Hit yet."

Jin smiled sourly. "You never liked small talk, did you?"

She shrugged. "I don't think I should beat around the bush."

Jin nodded. "That's fair."

"So why did you want to see me?" asked Bo.

"Why do you think?" Jin replied, staring at her.

She stared back at him, trying to remind herself to breathe. He was completely breathtaking, even with his short hair and glasses. And something else. He looked bigger, bulkier, like he'd put on muscle while in the military. She took a deep breath and reminded herself that she was on enemy lines.

"Quit playing games, and tell me why I'm here, Jin," she said.

Because I love you, he wanted to say. But instead, he cleared his throat. "My lawyer should be here soon," he said. And no sooner had that line escaped his lips, when they heard a knock at the door.

Jin let in a tall man in a black suit. "Did you say anything?" the man asked as soon as Jin sat him down at the table. The man didn't bother even looking at Bo.

Jin shook his head. "We barely said our hellos."

"Good," the man replied. He put out his hand for Bo to shake and introduced himself, "I'm Kim Seokjin's lawyer. We are here today to settle a confidentiality issue."

Bo frowned. "Okay," she said, glancing at Jin, who was staring at his clasped hands.

"We understand you suffered a miscarriage and my client is prepared to settle any financial claims you may seek now or in the future."

"Excuse me," Bo said in frustration, "I have never asked for any money from Jin!"

"That may be the present case, but circumstances may change in tbe future, which is why we are here to make sure such opportunities never occur."

"What are you saying?" Bo asked.

The lawyer smiled and handed her a hard copy of a long document. "This is a settlement that my client is prepared to give you. In return, you are forbidden to provide information to any outside parties of my client's relationship with you."

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