Part III. A Confession

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When the plane came to a full stop in Hong Kong, the stewardess stopped by their seats, bowing low again. "Once the aircraft has been refueled, we will be flying directly to Bali. In the meantime, can I get you anything to drink, sir?" she asked Sunny.

"I'm fine, thank you," Sunny said.

The stewardess bowed again and asked Bo to follow her off the jet. Bo smiled at Sunny once more, happy to have been distracted during their flight. She knew if he hadn't been there to keep her talking, she would have become distraught and doubtful of her decision.

Sunny smiled back, but just as Bo was about to turn away to leave, he grabbed her wrist.

"Sunny?" Bo's eyes widened at his sudden hard grip.

"I know this seems sudden, Bo. But since you don't know where you're going next, why not spend a bit more time with me?" Sunny said, his smile as wide as ever, although there was urgency in his eyes.

Bo shook her head. "I can't take advantage of your kindness like that."

"Fly with me to Bali. I hate traveling alone. I just have to conduct a bit of business there. But you can hang out at the resort by yourself and relax. I'm not asking for anything from you," he said quickly.

Bo looked at him dubiously. "A resort? Sounds expensive. There's no way I can afford that."

"You won't have to. I own it," Sunny replied quickly.

"You own the resort?" Bo asked, her mouth dropping open.

He nodded. "So you'll have your own room and all expenses paid. Just spend one dinner with me and I'll be a happy man," Sunny said.

Bo looked down in contemplation, her eyes catching her cell phone's lit up face, the lock page filled with text messages. She knew every single one must be from Jin. She wished she could just forget about him and make the entire nightmare go away.

Sunny watched her like a hawk. He knew he could not let this beautiful creature off his jet. He put on a huge grin and tugged on her hand teasingly. "I'll even buy you a bathing suit," he promised.

Bo took a deep breath. "Okay," she said softly.

The man's eyebrows raised. "Okay? As in you're really coming to Bali with me?"

"As long as it is only one dinner together," Bo said teasingly, trying to sound lighthearted to hide the warning signs in her heart.

Sunny laughed. "You drive a hard bargain, but yes, just one dinner and you can do whatever your heart desires on the resort. Just put it on my tab." But even as the words fell from his mouth, he knew one dinner would never be enough.


It was barely morning in the hotel room when Jungkook was awoken by a weird rattling. "What is that?" he moaned drowsily.

Jimin sat up quickly. "Your phone!" He jumped off the bed and a few seconds later, Jungkook heard the beeping of the safe and Jimin returned with the cell phone in his hand.

Jungkook quickly answered on speakerphone as soon as he saw Jin's call. "Hyung?"

Jin's panicked voice filled the air. "You need to come home. Bo disappeared."


Jungkook grabbed his huge dufflebag and started haphazardly dumping all his belongings in.

Jimin pulled on him. "Jungkook, slow down!"

"I can't! Bo is out there. Defenseless. You heard Jin just now, didn't you?!" he shouted as he grabbed a month's worth of dirty underwear and stuffed them into his bag.

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