IV. A Secret

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Jimin was the first one out of the plane when it finally touched ground in Seoul .  A bodyguard was already waiting in the private airport hanger, his cell phone glued to his ear as he reported that he had eyes on the two idols.

Jungkook took Bo's hand and led her down the plane stairs. She faltered unsteadily as she descended.

"Bo, are you okay?" Jungkook asked worriedly.

She gave him a tiny smile. "Don't look at me like that. I'm fine. Just a little dizzy and nauseous from the plane ride."

"I knew we should have gone to the hospital before boarding the jet," Jimin said, giving Jungkook a look.

Jungkook sighed.  "We had to leave as soon as possible.  What if Sunny Oh found her at the hospital?  It was too risky to stay. Now we have thousands of miles between us and him."

"Then we have to take her to the hospital now," Jimin insisted.

"No hospitals. I'm fine," Bo said as she reached the last step and was at last on stable ground. Sweat beaded her forehead and it took everything to force away the urge to vomit.


Bo squinted towards the voice. "Jin?" she murmured. Was it really him, she thought as her vision blurred and her legs turned to jelly.

"Bo!" Jin cried. He ran from the awaiting car towards Bo as she slipped unconsciously to the ground.  Jungkook barely grabbed her in time before she could hit the black asphalt. He lifted her into his strong arms and ran past Jin to the car. Jin could only watch helplessly until Jimin shook his arm.

"Jin hyung, hurry!  Get in the van. She needs a doctor!" Jimin shouted to a dazed Jin.

As the boys ran to the van, they both tried to ignore the dots of Bo's blood that trailed from the jet to the car.


The doctor left the patient's room that was usually alotted to high government officials, ambassadors, and the local drug cartel and mob bosses. And now the room was also saved for idol's mistresses, it seemed.

He rubbed his eyes and hastily flagged down a nurse. "Page the OB-GYN for me stat. 911," he barked.

Jungkook was standing next to Bo's room, impatiently waiting for a chance to visit. When he overheard that an obstetrician was needed, his eyes bugged out. Did that mean that Bo was pregnant?  Is pregnant? He couldnt wait any longer. Making sure the doctor wasn't looking, he snuck quietly into Bo's hospital room.

Bo laid in a brightly fluorescent lit room with her eyes closed. All kinds of diagnostic machines were connected to her.

"Bo, are you okay?" Jungkook whispered solemnly although she was still sleeping. He touched her cheek, still flushed from fainting. He stared at her belly, praying that an OB-GYN wouldn't really be necessary.

Jin had practically forced the emergency room doctor to admit Bo immediately and asked for all kinds of tests from A to Z.  Jimin was finally able to pull Jin away for a little while to give the doctor time to actually administer the tests.  The entire time, Jungkook had been the opposite of Jin---- silent, just observing everything as if in a haze. Only an hour ago, Bo had been in his arms, safe.  He felt blinded.

He was still brushing his fingertips against her cheek when the doctor returned to the room, followed by the obstetrician.

"As soon as I found the source of the bleeding, I recognized the blood as a likely sign of a miscarriage.  Can you run your own diagnostic procedures to confirm?" the doctor said authoritatively. He pulled the curtain aside and gasped when he saw the doe-eyed boy standing next to his patient.  He had told the nurse to be strict about visitors.

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