VI. A Prayer

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"Jungkook carried a bowl of hot rice porridge to Bo's bedroom. It had been almost a week since Jin had left quietly and unceremoniously, barely saying goodbye to the other six other boys.  And since then, Bo had gotten progressively worse day by day.

"Bo, you have to eat," Jungkook said, propping her up in bed.

She groaned. "No, just leave me alone."

"Bo, I'm not leaving until you finish this bowl of food," Jungkook said. He blew on the spoonful and fed it to her. She feebly ate it before making a face and pushing it away. "You're going to make me throw up."

Jungkook tried to feed her a little bit more but eventually, Bo pushed the bowl away.

He sighed. "Fine, if you're not going to eat then at least let's get you cleaned up."

"I'm fine. I'm on bed rest like my doctor said."

"Yeah, but that's no excuse to live like this. Look at you. You're a mess. You need help," Jungkook said helplessly.

"Jungkook, please. Just go. I just want to be left alone," she begged.  Her whole body hurt and Jungkook's incessant nagging only made it worse.

"Let's take a shower, okay?  Doesn't that sound good?  A nice, hot relaxing shower," Jungkook said enticingly.

"Get the fuck out!" Bo yelled, losing her patience. This had worked on him the day before when he kept pushing her. But today, Jungkook was determined.

"Don't make me drag you into the bathroom, Bo. I'll do it," he warned. He pulled back her bed sheets unexpectedly.  A look of horror crossed his face. Blood soaked the mattress below Bo. Her fragile looking body was curled up in the middle of the stain.

Bo grabbed at the blankets. "I told you to leave me alone!" she yelled.

Jungkook picked her up in his arms. She felt so weak and cold. "Damn it, Bo!  Why didn't you say anything?" 

"Just leave me, please. Jungkook, I don't deserve you. Just go!" she cried incoherently. Her nightgown was stained and would no doubt leave a bloody stain on Jungkook's white T-shirt. But as he raced to the car with her held gingerly in his arms, he didn't care. Nothing mattered, except for Bo.

As Jungkook raced to the hospital, he wondered how he could be so blind to her deterioration. 

It's my fault, Jungkook thought. I'm to blame for all this. I've ruined her life and Jin's life, and now this baby's life.

And for the first time in his life, he prayed. He prayed that he'd get to the hospital in time, that the baby would be fine, and most of all, that Bo would forgive him.


"It's all my fault," Bo cried. "I know it; this is my punishment, isn't it?  I lied about losing the baby and then I lost it for real." 

"No, that's not true. You're being superstitious," Jungkook tried to argue. But it was no use. Bo was in hysterics, and Jungkook was quickly learning that he was useless when it came to Bo. Nothing he could do was enough. She just kept crying.

"This is punishment, I know it. The baby must have thought I didn't want it and so it left me to be alone in this world," she sobbed.

Jungkook wiped his tears, unable to say anything anymore. Not that it would matter, Bo was beyond comforting at this point. Finally, in desperation he asked the nurse to give Bo a sedative. And for the first time since entering the hospital, Bo slept peacefully.

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