I. A New Beginning

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Bo stared at the manila envelope in her hand. It held the worst of her past: the death of her baby and the end of a love. But she had forced herself to move on.

Yet, the past would not die. Here she was, two years later, being reminded of all that she had lost by this one envelope.

She dumped out the contents into her hand. An RJ keychain attached to a car key fell out. Then a business card fluttered out. She caught it in midair. Scrawled on the back was an address and a door code.

"Fuck," she whispered. As much as she hated to admit it, she had no where to go and no place to stay in South Korea. No family, no friends, and, worst of all, no Jungkook to take care of her.

She stared at the card until her tears blurred together all the words. Then she wept openly, wishing she was back in Jungkook's bedroom where she felt safe and loved.

Jungkook stared out his bedroom window, looking down at the front steps of the dorm building where Bo's tiny figure was still sitting. He had told himself not to care where she went or what she would do without him. Less than ten minutes ago, they were together in bed and he was holding her close as she moaned his name. They were one breath, one body.

That felt like a dream now. Never again would he make the mistake of fucking her again, not after tonight. He had traded her to Jin so that Bangtan would live again. And that was one deal he would never be able to go back on.

He watched as a taxi pulled up in front of Bo and she got in. Jungkook didn't have to wonder where she was going. He knew there was only one place she could go... the address on that damn card.

As soon as she left, Jungkook didn't know what to do. He looked around his empty bedroom, unable to comprehend what was happening. Had tonight really been his last time with Bo? The last time he'd be able to taste her lips, to smell her hair, to whisper how much he needed her? He couldn't believe it, and yet it had happened again: Bo had left him for Jin.


Ten minutes later, Bo found herself still within the same gated community of the BTS dorms. Of course, only Jin would punish her by gifting a house so close in proximity to Bangtan.

As the taxi drove off, she almost felt desperate enough to chase after it. But before she could lose her nerve, she entered in the door code and stepped into the house. Weirdly, all the lights were on and a fire was lit, as if the house was expecting company. It was large and open, yet warm and inviting. Furnished impeccably, Bo wondered how Jin could give this house away so easily.

She wandered towards the back of the house, wanting to crawl into bed and forget about the rest of the world. The bedroom door was open and light cast from the adjoining bathroom. Her heart quickened as she heard footsteps.

"Hello?" she called out.

A head popped out of the bathroom and looked into the bedroom. "Bo?"

"J-Jin? What are you doing here?" Bo asked, completely surprised.

Jin walked out of the bathroom, his bottom half wrapped in a towel. His bare torso glistened with water droplets on his skin. "I didn't think you'd come over tonight," Jin replied. He walked to the bed where his pajamas had been spread out.

"Wait, what is going on? What are you doing here?" Bo asked in bewilderment.

Jin smirked. "I guess you should have read the settlement you signed earlier today."

"Jin, tell me what the fuck is happening!"

He sighed. "If you had read before signing, then you would already know that you own this house... with me."

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