Chapter 17

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I jumped out of bed, the time being quite passed when I normally woke. Typically, Lu, Brendon, or my father would wake me. Today, however, they all seemed to have neglected that responsibility. I knew it was partially my fault for never setting an alarm, though.

I threw on my uniform, slipped my shoes on, and ran downstairs into the kitchen to grab something quick. Since I had gotten baked goods from Lily, I went to scrounge for something she had made in hope that it would fill my stomach.

But, with all of my searching, I couldn't find any of the treats Lily had gifted. I remember nibbling on them every now and then a few days ago, but I could not, for the life of me, locate them.

I searched cupboards, shelves, counters, and even in the oven for them, but to no avail. It wasn't quite the satiation of food that motivated me, but the kind gesture that came with the goods. Lily had made them just for me to apologize for something that was not even her fault. She had gone as far as to make some gluten-free, some vegan, some lactose-free, and a large variety of flavors simply because she did not know my preferences or allergies.

"What is it that you are searching for?" Lu's delicate voice was no more than a faint wisp behind me, and I turned to face her, a bit startled.

"Oh, um," I now grew embarrassed at how frantic I had seemed over a pastry or a muffin, "just the sweets Lily gave me."

Lu's fingers rung together. "The sweets the kind young woman delivered to you?"

I nodded.

"Mr. Brendon ordered for them to be disposed of not too long after they were delivered."

I closed my eyes, letting my thoughts sink in. My hands clenched.

"When is Brendon coming back from the other house?" I seethed. I hoped pinching the bridge of my nose would calm me, but it did not work. "Surely he's finished preparing for the party. It's been days."

Shaking her head, she added a "No, Mr. Brendon does not plan to come back anytime soon" to the conversation.

I raised a brow. "Is he done preparing for the party?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Then why isn't he coming back here?"

"He has instructed me," she took a deep breath, "to keep that confidential."

I let out the loudest sigh possible and threw my hands into the air. "Great, he's avoiding me."

Lu hadn't denied that statement before I walked out of the kitchen, trudging my way to the car to be driven to school.

I decided that if Lily had put in all of that work just for all of it to be thrown away before it was eaten, I wanted to make it up to her. It wasn't quite spending hours baking, but I could still pay for a cafe visit.

Thus, I approached her at lunch.

She sat with Lexi, Meagan, and I as she did on her first day. It became a habit, and it wasn't long before we began to joke and have fun conversations.

They had managed to get to the lunch table before I did, which left me to sit down and immediately state my plans.

"Hey, tonight do you guys want to go to that cafe that we went to before? It's on me."

Lily had a twinge of confusion written on her features. Her nose scrunched the slightest bit, and her lips pursed. "Um. . . cafe? Which one?. . ."

"No, Lily, we can't go to a cafe tonight," Lexi winked. "We're going dress shopping!"

Meagan smiled and nodded along.

"Oh, yeah. I almost forgot," Lily nervously twiddled her thumbs.

"It's okay, Lily. Do you want to come with us, [y/n]? We were talking about it before you got here and were going to ask you."

"Sorry," I smirked, remembering the beautiful gown that I had fixed up according to my liking, "I already have my dress."

Lexi and Meagan's mouths formed an "O" shape as they lightly clapped.

"Oh, girly, that's kinda scary," Lexi giggled. "Tell us about it!"

I put a finger to my lips. "Nope. You'll have to wait."

"Really? But I want to know how to size up the competition for Mr. Urie," Meagan joked in her soft voice.

Suddenly, I felt the urge to crawl up in a ball and sit there, rotting away. "Yeah. . ."

The air suddenly grew awkward and stiff. Lexi and Meagan looked to one another, trying their best to understand what was wrong. The other, quieter girl hadn't seemed affected, though.

"I wish," Lily spoke up, her cheeks flushed due to the attention on her, "that I could wear a. . . a purple dress."

"That would look nice on you," I said.

"You could still wear a purple dress," Lexi reassured. "It just needs to be mostly white or blue. That way you won't stick out."

Meagan pitched her thoughts in. "Yeah, I think I'm going to do something like that."

The whole school seemed to be talking about Brendon Urie's Christmas party. They talked about fantasies of what would happen, what Brendon would wear, if I had any clue what mysteries the party would hold, and more.

It wasn't until the three girls around me had brought it up, though, that I realized the party was this weekend.

Days until Brendon's Christmas party was down to two. Lexi demanded that we meet together after school tomorrow to sleep over at her house and get ready for the party the next day.

Somewhere, from the bottom of my heart, I was hesitant.

But I knew, now, more than anything that I wanted to wait until the party to see Brendon.

After all, how else would I play dirty?

One or two more chapters until the party <3

Hope you enjoyed!

"Somewhere, Brendon Urie and Gerard Way are quaking."
-Daniel Howell, last night

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