The real story

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She took Rey in the same room as before.

They sat and at the beginning Leia said nothing.

"I wanted to ask you something."she spoke calmly

"Of course, I'm listening..."Rey answered,

"Are you sure there's nothing you would like to talk about?"she asked as if she knew something, which she did.

"Uh, no."

Leia frowned. She wasn't mad but she wanted Rey to tell her the truth.

"Ok so, my question is : what really happened on Snoke's Ship?"she demanded briefly.

She didn't believe her. Wonderful.

'Should I really tell her?' She asked herself

"You really thought I trusted the lie you told us earlier ?You are pretty naive, just like the others who believed your falsehood."

Shame started to invide her face.

"Rey I was joking, but please...I want to know."She begged.

"I thought I could save him and bring him back to the light side. But I didn't...I failed him, just like Luke before me."

"You mean Ben ?"Leia's voice sounded surprised "Luke told you what happened ?"she asked


A tear trickled down Rey's cheek.

"Oh dear, do not blame yourself that's not your fault, and I doubt my son can be saved by anyone, now."admitted Leia.

"I thought he could be saved.."

"What made you believe this ?"
demanded Leia

Rey took a deep breath.

"I've somehow been able to talk with him through a bond established by the Force, apparently. Snoke told us it was him who bridged our minds, but I don't think he was truly the one who created that, because even after his death we were still able to communicate through this bond."

Leia said nothing for a moment. Maybe it was because of the surprise caused by knowing her son was maybe worth saving.

"Have you been talking through this connection ?"Leia questioned.

"Of course we did"

"What did he tell you ?"

"At first he just tried to pull out informations from me, then he was more wondering what was this connection and why did we have it. At the beginning the atmosphere was tense but afterwards we strated to converse like civilized people. I could not restrain myself to ask him why he killed Han, I just couldn't understand why. Time was passing and we actually started to get along. I remember once I fell in a cave and...well that's another story, but somehow I thought that I would find answers here for example who my parents are. So I told him everything that happened in there. I was surprised to see he was kind and listening, he told me I wasn't alone and I responded he wasn't alone either. Then I told him it wasn't too late and I put my hand out hoping he would grab it, that's almost what he did : he removed his glove and touched my fingertips."told Rey

"That's amazing he has never liked to have physical contact with anyone since his teenage ends."confessed Leia

"For real?"

Leia laughed

"So what happened when you were on Snoke's ship?"

She wanted to know more.

"Luke told me Ben wasn't here anymore. I didn't trust him. So I decided to go to him in order to turn him. I flew to the Dreadnought with an escape pod. When I arrived on the ship he was apparently waiting for me, stormtroopers cuffed my hands to make sure I will not cause damages.
Ben led me to an elevator, there I told him that he didn't have to do this and that I saw the conflict in him. I also said that when we touched hands I saw his future and he will turn. He responded that he saw something too and I will be the one to turn. And...he said he knew who my parents are."

"How does he know"Leia sounded surprised

"Good question"admitted Rey

"Never mind what happened next?"

"We arrived in Snoke's Throne Room. In there Snoke tortured me and tried to daunt me by telling me the Resistance was about to die and all the usual speech. At one point he ordered Ben to kill me so that he could prove his allegiance to the First Order, complete his training and fulfill his destiny. Ben said he knew what he had to do. Inside of me I was shouting to myself I couldn't die like this that it was not the ending I deserved. With the Force Snoke made me kneel to Ben so that it would be easier to finish me. I whispered to him not to do this. Snoke heard it and said he couldn't be betrayed nor beaten, that he saw Ben's intentions, that he saw him igniting and turning the lightsaber to strike his true enemy. I heard a lightsaber igniting but it wasn't Ben's lightsaber it was mine which was by Snoke's side. Once Snoke's dead body fell on the ground I turned to look at Ben, and we fought against the guards who were I the room. Together. When there was nobody else than us in the room I told him we could still save the fleet, I was waiting for him to help me to save it but instead of that he stood here and said it was time to let old things die-The Sith, the Jedi, the Rebels, Snoke, Skywalker-and that he wanted me to join him and bring a new order to the galaxy. He then talked about my parents and told me I had no place in this story. That I came from nothing and I was nothing. But not to him."

Leia put a hand on her mouth. Even if it was hidden by her hand, Rey could tell a smirk was drawing itself on her mouth.

"He begged me to join him and offered me his hand waiting for me to take it. I looked at his hand than at him. In my head I wanted to go with him but I knew it wasn't what I was supposed to do, so instead of taking his hand, with the Force I took my lightsaber he was holding in his other hand. But he didn't let it go. In the end the lightsaber broke and there was like an explosion in the room. I was unconscious for a moment then I woke up, and escaped while he was still unconscious. I think I have finish."

Leia was speechless.

"Well that's amazing...I didn't expect him to be that kind with one of us "

"That's also what I thought."

"Leia I would like to ask you a question too."She declared "Are we going to stay on the Falcon?"

"Rey, for the moment I don't know. I need to think about this. But your little speech was very persuasive I have to admit."said Leia

"Okay thank you"thanked Rey

"You can leave if you want" told Leia


When Rey was about to leave the room she looked at Leia and said:


"Yes Rey?"

"Thanks for listening to me"

Leia gave her a warm smile.

"You're welcome."

Ok guys first I wanted to thank you again for reading my story. And I'm still sorry if there are any mistakes.
So I know I didn't put a lot of Reylo in the last chapters but don't worry it'll come soon😉.
Don't forget to tell me if you liked the story by voting or by telling me in the comments .

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