I found you

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Rey felt that the Falcon was leaving. Why ? She didn't know.

She was still helping the young mechanic to repair the leak and they were almost done.

"Are we leaving ?" The mechanic asked to Rey.

"It looks like ..." Rey answered looking behind her.

"But we just arrived !"

"I know... that's weird..."Rey's brows furrowed as she spoke the words " could you do me a favor young girl ?"Rey asked to the girl.

"You can call me Aby if you want" she said with a smirk "Of course, how could I refuse anything to a Jedi ?"

"I wouldn't say I'm a Jedi ... Luke Skywalker was the one who started to teach me the Jedi ways, but he no longer is alive... so I don't have any master anymore..."

"Why don't you try to find someone who has been taught the Jedi ways and their fighting ? Aby asked curiously
"Because there's nobody left in the galaxy who knows Jedi's training"! Rey answered not angry but sounding like.

"I'm not sure about that...."

"Well yes, there's actually someone who could...teach me the ways of the Force....but no."

"Why not if you think that this person could ?! "The girl reminded her

"I know but that's ...complicated.
Never mind I wanted to ask you if you could just finish to clog and repair the leak while I'm asking Leia what are their plans."Rey preferred to change the subject of their conversation.

"Ok" Aby let out in an annoyed tone
While Rey was heading to the room where she suspected Leia to be she heard the mechanic saying:

"But try to think about what I said..."
She turned around to meet the young girl's eyes and she smiled at her, Aby smiled back and Rey exited the room.

Mere moments later Rey met Leia in the cockpit with Poe.

They were seating, Poe in the pilot seat and Leia in the copilot seat, talking about their plans while Poe was piloting the Falcon.

When they noticed her presence they turned around to face her. When Rey was sure that she had their attention she opened her mouth about to say something but Leia cut her immediately:

"I know : why are we leaving ?"

Rey nodded in acknowledgment.

"Well, we actually can't stay on Dagobah, the planet is way too dangerous for us so we couldn't spend more time on it."Leia explained

"One of our crew members has made the experience."added Poe

"Oh" this was the only thing Rey could manage to let out.

"That's why with Leia we decided to go on Tatooine, her father was living over here when he was toddler ( and not the monster who could not step anywhere without destroying anything)."Poe continued.

"Thanks for that helpful detail, Poe... Regardless, moreover we are sure that the First Order won't at least for a while, visit us on Tatooine. We have allies on that very planet who sent us a message to told us that the First Order had already checked if we were here. Fortunately we were not. But there's something else : they reported that the First Order had paid, like we predicted people like junk traders or bounty hunter to capture us. That's making our plan a little more difficult, however I'm going to think about it while we're heading to Tatooine." Leia finished. That's was amazing how she always found solutions to everything, even when they were persuaded that everything was lost.

At that moment she once again felt this presence a dark aura that she was obviously the only one to feel it.

'No, no, no, not right now...'

She gazed around her. The light in the cockpit contrasted with his black clothes.

She saw him in a corner of the room, although the room wasn't wide it was like he was meters away from her, and she was ok with that. Fortunately they weren't able to ear anyone or anything through the bound.


So they decided to go on Tatooine, great. Now it wouldn't be a struggle to find them and punish them like they deserved. First they would 'take care' of the Resistance (of course, by 'taking care' he means torturing and offer them a slow and sore death).

But there still was a problem: the girl; well now he knew her enough to call her Rey, as he said earlier Rey was his problem.

He knew he wouldn't be able to kill her it would just be impossible for him. She was the only one who understood him, who fought with him, who knew his pain.

Once again, he couldn't kill her.
"Rey, what are you looking at ? Leia asked as she noticed Rey's lack of attention.

Rey frowned, not breaking eye contact with Ben before answering:

"I thought that Aby was calling me and needed help with the reparations but  my mind was just tricking me..."

'Who ?'thought Ben.

"I see...you mean Aby the mechanic ?"


A silence took place in the room for some minutes before Rey took the floor :

"So, when are we going to land on...the planet ?"

Ben chuckled lowly so she didn't notice (he probably wanted to keep that reputation of the cold, tall, dark, mysterious guy who never laughs, smiles or even smirks).

She obviously didn't notice him before, when Leia mentioned the first  planet where they were supposed to stay.

They also could hear other people through the bound, like the first time they connected. He remembered himself trying to get informations from her and then hearing Luke calling Rey. She was apparently not aware of that, (even though she carefully didn't reveal the name of the planet in front of him) maybe because he was spending most of his time alone in his quarters when he wasn't planning battles and training.

"Tatooine is quite far from here so it'll take some time but thanks to hyperspace we'll get here as fast as we can."Leia said

"Ok, I think I'm going to get back to my room so I won't look like a zombie tomorrow " she spoke with a smile laughing once she finished her sentence.

The pilot and his mother smiled at her before saying goodnight, she then gave him a glance as if she ordered him to follow her, and that's what he did. She left the cockpit and headed to her room.

Hello everyone, yeah I know I took a lot of time to write that one but I hope you'll like it anyway.
School starts in one week for me so I have a lot of things to do ...yeah I think you know what I'm talking about.
Also I have a question: do you mind if  I keep using meters as a unit of length? I know that Americans use foot as a unit of length but to me it feels quite weird to me to use feet instead of meters but if you really want me to use feet than that's what I ll do😁Tell me in the comments what you prefer ( feet or meters)
And don't forget to comment or vote to tell me if you liked it!😊

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