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The suns of Tatooine were rising as Rey woke up.
She was thrilled to be here. Even though the sand and the dry air reminded her of Jakku, she was happy that she could finally rest on the solid ground of a planet.

She dressed up, brushed her soft brown hair and hesitating between making a high single bun or letting her hair down...She picked the second option.
She then headed out of the tent, to admire the stunning sunrise.

It was like a sea of yellow, red and orange all mixed up together.

She realized it has been a long time since she hadn't connected with Ben...
It felt weird, but she realized as well that she missed him a lot.
Her brought her back at Finn and their fight, they had been ignoring each other since that day. Actually she didn't want to talk to him, apologize, she was bad at admitting she made mistakes, but he was the one who made a mistake.

She decided to go back at the base. She was hungry.

— — —

Maybe two hours later, Rey had finished to take her breakfast with Poe and Rose, Finn now eating in his tent, excluding himself.
Rey didn't care as long she was far away from him she was okay. At least he didn't tell the others. Fortunately.

Later on she was meditating in her tent. At one point she heard someone asking :

"May I come in?"

She recognized that voice immediately.

"Why?"she demanded

"I think we need to talk "

"Come in then" she finally said.

Finn entered the tent. Rey was looking with angry eyes.

"Rey, listen ...I'm sorry, I went too far last time, but I think that you don't realize what you're putting yourself in. That just made me losing control.
Knowing that you are in love with..."

"I AM NOT..."

"Ok ok ok ... But what's going on then ...?" He dared asking.

"Nothing, I swear I'm just trying to bring Leia's son home that's all, I swear."

"Ok I trust you then...I really sorry..." he apologized.

"I forgive you, don't worry..." Rey said with a smile.

A smile played on Finn's mouth as well.

"Indeed I can understand your reaction" she admitted.

As she pronounced those words they heard the sound of a ship landing.

Rey and Finn looked at each other with fear and panick in their eyes.

No. That couldn't be possible...
They had to know what was going on.
They hurried out of the tent.
They couldn't believe what they saw.
Kylo Ren's ship had landed in front of their base.
Every one had leave their tent, all wondering about what was happening, and their reaction at the sight of the Supreme Leader's ship was pretty similar to the one Rey and Finn had.

Poe and Leia were the last ones to be aware of this unexpected visit.

"How did they find us ??!" Poe said out of surprise.

Leia said nothing. She was too surprised to say nothing. She wasn't ready to face her son.

Kylo Ren came down. Rey realized she wasn't ready to face him as well. He wasn't wearing his mask anymore after he crushed it against the wall of the elevator on the Cruiser.
His towering figuring was imposing and his black cape was flying behind him. His stern face was staring at the Resistance.

Poe yelled at him.

He was getting closer to the group, who didn't step back to show they weren't afraid.

He was now around 5 meters from the group.
The other Resistance members were behind them.

"Ow, what a pity we've found you. I have to admit that I admire how you can still have hope when everything's lost." He let out.

"The Resistance reborns. You have no idea of what's coming..." Finn threatened.

"Well I'm all waiting for you."
Kylo Ren was avoiding meeting both Rey's and Leia's gaze, he only made an eye contact with Finn or Poe.

"Where are the stormtroopers, the TIE fighters, the blasters..." Poe asked with disdain.

"Nothing of that for today."

"Why did you come here then ?"Finn asked.

He didn't respond. Instead he looked at Rey and met her eyes.

As they were intensely staring at each other. He stretched his right hand and Rey felt herself losing consciousness as if someone knocked her down.


He knocked her down with the Force.
Before she hit the ground and before they could catch up Rey to save her from hitting the ground, he grabbed her with the Force.
Once she was close to him. He slid his hands under her knees and back, and held her tightly in a protective manner,
he then made his way to his ship.


Ben ignored him and didn't stop his course.

Finn lost control. Once again.
He caught the blaster at Poe's belt and shot targeting Ben's head.
But the shot stopped in the air and came back to Finn.
Fortunately for him he had avoided it.

Finn gazed at Rose and Poe, and they both understood what he wanted to do.
They nodded and they ran to Kylo Ren. Hoping that together they will be able to take her back.
But when they were about ten meters away from Ben, they felt paralyzed and they couldn't move.
They were frozen in place.
They were looking like statues now, ready to be exposed in a museum.

Ben was now getting into his ship, Rey still in his arms. He could feel all the crew members' eyes on him, but especially his mother's ones. His target wasn't to hurt her but he had to take Rey with him.
He couldn't see her right now but he could picture himself what her face must be looking like pretty easily.
'I'm sorry mom'

He could hear the traitor screaming:
as he burrowed himself inside of his ship.

He gently put her in a chair, carefully not waking her up.
He stared at her for a minute, while she was sleeping only to admire her gorgeous face.

As they left he watched the ship leaving the planet and getting further, he couldn't help but letting a big smile of content drawing itself on his lips

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