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They arrived in the Throne Room. It was just like Rey remembered, enormous, red. The only thing that had changed was that instead of Snoke seating on the Throne, there was Kylo Ren.
He told her to trust him, but how could she trust him, now that he has betrayed her ?
She didn't know.
The only that mattered now was he survival and nothing else, she'll find out a way to escape later.

He had left her at the hands of stormtroopers when they entered the large room, and he went to seat on his Throne.
A ginger-haired man was standing next to him, she didn't know who he was, but his tiny eyes were scanning her in a haughty way.

He started marching to her.

"So, lil' girl how you doing ?Enjoying the First Order's suite ?" He mocked.

"I wouldn't call this a suite, but that's not bad, even though more comfort would not be refused." She shot back.

He smirked.

"Well, since the cells are reserved for traitors or murderers like you I don't think you deserve anything better."

"First of all ,I just answered a question that's politeness, I didn't ask anything,
Secondly, I didn't..."

Ben gave her a look.
He widened his eyes, and nodded a slight no, discreetly, so that nobody noticed.

"...murder Snoke with no reason. He was torturing me, that's what I call legitimate defense." She said.

Hux smirked again, and Ben let out a sigh of relief.

"That's how you're going to defend yourself? Legitimate defense, really?
You're gonna pay for what you did." Hux brayed.

"Ha, if I managed to kill Snoke and his guards, i think I can overcome this."Rey retorted.

Ben chuckled.

"Ok, stop. Enough."
Ben stood up, arm crossed and eyes glaring at both Rey and Hux.
"She doesn't need to be punished."

"WHAT??!!"Hux choked.

"Leaving her, in a cell, is better than wasting our time.Bring her back to her cell."Ben declared.


The stormtroopers took her out of the room, and led her back to her cell.

"And that's all??!! You said you would turn her, that she would join us, and you wasted golden chance for us to finally destroy the Resistance, for letting her in her cell???!!!" He barked.

"You have to learn how to be patient, Hux. She will join I just need time."

— — —

Mere moments later, Ben came back to Rey's cell.
He hoped she wasn't too upset about what he says earlier.
' Are you stupid or what ? Of course she's upset.'
But, again, he didn't mean it, he never thought that of her and all this was just acting.
Will she trust him? He doesn't know.

The cell's doors slowly opened, and he let himself in.

"Why did you come to see me now, uh ?"she immediately spoke.

She was seating on the edge of her bed, her elbows resting on her knees.
Her tiny hands were hiding her face.

He sat next to her and placed a hand on her arched back, Rey jumped at the action but did not reject his hand, she raised her head to meet his eyes.

"What happened ?"


He let out a sigh.

"Hux found out where you and the Resistance were hiding. When he reported that to me, I first decided to attack your base. Moments later, an idea came to my mind. So I told Hux I changed my plans, I think you guessed what are the following events..." he told.

She was happy that he was talking to her with that tone, a sweet, gentle one.
Why? She couldn't tell.
He was now back at being the man she talked to on Ahch-To; it was hard for her to admit: but the compassion he was showing her in return, his hand on her back was making her stomach twist.
But she could still not forget.
She preferred not to show him her contentment about his attitude.

"What was this 'idea' about ?" She questioned.

He looked at her, she could read in his eyes he didn't want her to know, his brown eyes that were still sparkling in the odd darkness of the room...

"You really want to know?"

She nodded.

"I wanted to take you from the Resistance, I thought I would knock you down like last time, and take you in my ship." He explained.

"I'm gonna make it more simple :
You kidnapped me in order to use my power, thinking I would join you." She shot, a distasted look painted on her face.

He stood up, running a hand through his hair, uncomfortably. He turned around to face her.

"Rey, it's way more complicated than that, you have no idea..."

She stood up as well.

"On the contrary it's way more simple than you think-"


"No, let me finish, you wanted to use me, all the way along, right from the beginning, you wanted to use me, you wanted to use my power against the Resistance, you wanted to turn me. That it would be easy considering the young and naive girl I am. But guess what ? Nothing of all that will happen."

The tone she used to talk to him, was rough, angry, and the same as the one a mother would use to ground her child but in fact she was more hurt that upset at him.
Among what seemed an eternity, Ben opened his mouth:

"You're wrong."

She lifted her head, a quizzical look on her face.

"I heard you with the red-haired man-"


"Regardless, I heard what you said, while I was supposed to be knocked down if you haven't understood yet."

"I kind of figured... and I didn't mean it. I lied to him, so he won't get in my way, and won't stop me from achieving my tasks."

Rey raised her brows.

"I don't trust you."
He sighed. He gently took her tiny hands in his.
She jumped again, not used to him touching her.

"I'm sorry."

Rey didn't say anything. To her it wasn't enough to apologize, it's the easy easy out. Therefore she could tell by his voice and by reading his mind that it was a genuine apology. She closed her eyes and exhaled deeply, her body relaxed as she heard those words.

"Then why ?" She said in a sad and desperate tone.

He gulped.

"Remember when you asked me about why I killed Snoke ?"

Rey nodded. Of course she did she had been longing about the answer for ages.

"At first Snoke wanted me to take you to him. So I executed myself. I thought he would somehow convince you to join the First Order, but when I saw him torturing you, I could barely watch, it was so painful. I saw the saber by his sides and I knew what to do."

Iiiight, If I were you I'd immediately rush to the next chapter, you'll see what will happen!!!
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