Chapter 3

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I sighed in relief as I folded the last towel.
I walked out of the towel room and approached Dan. "Okay, I'm done." I said.
Dan smiled. "Of course you are."
I smiled, sticking out my tongue. "Well, I'm gonna go--"
Dan grabbed my arm lightly before I could leave. "Wait! These were dropped off at the front desk for you."
He handed me a ticket and a backstage VIP pass for the concert. I smiled, taking them from his hands.
Dan stared at me suspiciously, but I just smiled innocently.
"Have a good night, Dan." I spoke before turning to leave.
Dan let out a laugh, "It won't be as good as yours, I'm sure.."
I blushed feverishly, thanking the heavens that Dan couldn't see it.
"Bye!!" I exclaimed.
I walked out of the hotel, and to the parking lot where my car was sitting.
I got into it, putting the ticket and pass into my messenger bag turned purse.
I started my car, and drove back to my apartment.

I unlocked my apartment door, and walked inside.
I put my stuff down on the chair in the living room, and collapsed on the couch.
I was still trying to figure out how this all had happened. I was deep in thought when I heard a voice that broke me out of my reverie.
"Hey Cass."
I turned, jolting a little at the startle, glaring at my best friend, Manny.
"What the hell?!" I exclaimed.
Manny took a bite of the sandwich he was holding, and smiled. "I was hungry."
I chuckled, taking a breath. "You almost gave me a heart attack. You could have asked to use my kitchen. How did you get in here?!"
Manny swallowed, giving me a smirk. "I know where you hide the key."
I let out a playful sigh, relaxing again.
"Who is he?" Manny asked after a moment.
My mouth dropped open in shock.
"I don't know what you're talking about.." I replied.
"Oh please, I could tell by the way you were thinking that you were thinking about a guy."
I shook my head in disbelief. "How do you know me so well?"
Manny laughed, "I just do, honey. Now, who is he?"
I let out a short laugh and looked at him. "Um, Adam Levine..?"
Manny rose an eyebrow. "Are you serious?"
I nodded. "Dead serious."
Manny contemplated for a second before responding. "That's interesting..what brought this about?"
"I just, met him at the hotel, and he kinda, sorta, invited me to the concert.."
Manny' eyes widened. "Woah. That's epic. You're going, right?"
I laughed, "Of course I'm going!! I just need to change. It starts in an hour."
"Good luck." Manny replied sarcastically.
Okay, it took me almost the whole hour to prepare myself mentally for this, let alone decide what to wear. I settled on classic high waisted denim shorts, and a cropped leather jacket with a red tank top underneath, tucked into the shorts. I straightened my hair rather quickly, and adjusted my makeup a little. I was ready physically.
Mentally: still freaking out.
I took some deep breaths, and finally grabbed my stuff, ready to leave.
I left Manny sitting in my apartment, giving him one rule: don't destroy it. What can I say? I trust him.
I walked out, and got into my car, driving quickly to the venue.

When I arrived, there was five minutes before the band were to get on stage, so I knew I would have to wait to go backstage until after. I handed the security guy my ticket, and rushed inside the room just as the lights were going out.

The crowd exploded with cheers and catcalls, as the lights turned on, and the band had taken the stage.

Adam's voice echoed throughout the theatre. "Hello Los Angeles!!!"

I smiled in spite of myself, staring at Adam as he started into their first song,

"I know your insides are feelin so hollow, ooh ooh ooh,
And it's a hard pill for you to swallow, but if I fall for you, I'll never recover, if I fall for you, I'll never be the same..."

I couldn't take my eyes off Adam for the whole two hours they were on the stage.

I smiled to myself, taking some deep breaths as I approached the security guard.
I held up my pass in his view, and he motioned for me to go on ahead.
I took another breath as I walked further back, and rounded the corner.
My jaw dropped a little, and a horrible feeling swelled in my chest.

A girl was throwing herself at Adam, and he wasn't resisting. She didn't look familiar, just some random model. I felt myself flinch as her hands caressed his cheek, and she placed her lips on his.

I didn't know what to do, but I knew I had to get out of there. I wasn't fast enough, because before I could look away, Adam looked up and met my eyes.
A/N is that good drama? Lol vote, comment xx

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