Chapter 9

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Cassie's POV

As always, I woke up first. I looked at Adam asleep, and smiled to myself.

I was the happiest I'd ever been.

I didn't regret anything that happened last night. Adam changed everything for me.

I gently slid out from underneath Adam's arm, and stood up. I walked into the kitchen, and started pulling out pans and ingredients to make breakfast.

Just as I was about to crack some eggs, I felt hands on my eyes.

I giggled, and smiled.

"Guess who?" Adam joked.

" it...Adam Levine?" I replied, thinking playfully.

"Correct!!" Adam smirked, wrapping his hands around my waist from behind, and kissing my neck.

I smirked. "What do I win for getting it right?" I asked.

Adam grabbed my hand, spinning me around to face him.

"You win me." Adam responded, a knee-shaking smile forming.

I bit my lip seductively. "I already have you."

Adam rose an eyebrow seductively, running his hands up and down my body.

"Oh, yes you do. Don't ever forget that, baby."

I smiled in response, turning around to start the breakfast he interrupted.

He grabbed my hands, stopping me from making another move.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked with a smirk.

"Cooking breakfast." I said, with a 'Duh' expression on my face.

Adam laughed. "I wanted to take you out to breakfast."

"Oh, okay. Let me get dressed." I grinned, kissing him passionately for a minute.

I pulled back, and looked at him.

"Hurry up, get dressed before I take you upstairs myself." Adam replied with a smirk.

I raced upstairs, and threw on my pants I had on the day before, and kept his shirt on.

I grabbed my purse and walked back down to meet Adam.

He grabbed my hand, and we made our way out to his car.

As we started our drive to a coffee shop for breakfast, I spoke.

"Can we stop at my apartment so I can change my clothes?" I asked, a cute smile on my face.

Adam stared at me for a moment.

"You're so flippin adorable, so of course we can." He replied, his dimples appearing.

We stopped at the coffee shop first.

We made our way up to the counter to order, and the cashier girl wouldn't keep her hands to herself.

She was discreetly touching Adam's hand longer than necessary when he handed her the money, and non-discreetly flirting.

I glared at her.

"Do you mind keeping your comments, and your dirty little hands to yourself?! Thank you very fucking much." I snapped at her.

She gave me a dirty look, as Adam let out a chuckle, and we sat down at a small table in the corner.

I let out a breath, trying to let the anger out.

Adam gripped my hand across the table.

"That was incredibly sexy, just so you know."

I laughed. "Well, I don't approve of slutty wenches like her. Sometimes they need to be put in their place. You're mine."

Adam smiled genuinely. "I know I am. And you're mine. That's not going to change, got it?"

I smiled. "Got it."


After we exited the coffee shop, and indulged ourselves with breakfast, we drove over to my apartment so I could change.

Adam and I walked hand in hand up to my door.

Sitting against it was a small vase of flowers, with a note attached.

I looked at Adam in confusion, then picked it up.

I unlocked my door, and we walked in.

I looked at the flowers, and opened the note.

'Just something to brighten your day. Sincerely, anonymous.'

"Who sent that?" Adam asked me.

"I don't know. It says anonymous."

"You probably have a secret admirer." Adam said, laughing.

I rolled my eyes sarcastically. "Yeah totally. I'm a desirable chick."

Adam wrapped his hands tightly around my waist. "You are. I desire you a lot."

I smirked, kissing him.

"Let me change."

I walked into the bedroom, and scanned my clothes. I put on some jeans, and a new shirt, and fixed my hair.

I walked back out to find Adam waiting for me yet again.

"So, what do you want to do tonight?" I asked him.

"We could go for a romantic walk along the water." Adam suggested.

I grinned, "You're so romantic. I'm not used to this. But, sure."


6 hours later


I gripped Adam's hand as we made our way down the shoreline, as the sun started to set.

"Can you believe how beautiful it is?" I asked.

"I can't believe how beautiful you are." Adam replied.

I laughed, about to kiss him, when I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, Cassie."

I turned to see Luke standing at the other end of the shoreline.

I smiled. "Hi Luke. Fancy seeing you here."

He laughed. "I came down here to go for a walk, and I saw you down on this side, so I thought I would come say hey."

I nodded. "Okay. How was work yesterday?"

He groaned. "Long. Boring. You shoulda been there."

"Well, I work tomorrow, so I'll be there." I responded with a grin.

Luke laughed, "Good. Well I gotta go, see you tomorrow. Wow, those are beautiful flowers."

My mouth dropped open, my head snapping to look straight at him. "What?"

Luke looked concerned. "The flowers? That the guy behind you is selling?"

I turned to where he was pointing, and sighed.

"Oh yeah. They are. See you tomorrow, Luke."

He nodded politely. "Bye Cassandra."

Luke exited.

Adam looked at me, confusion and concern clouding his eyes.

"That guy's a" He said after a moment.

I chuckled, "Maybe. But he's sweet and nice most of the time."

Adam smirked, caressing my cheek. "Whatever you say. Now, speaking of flowers, can I buy you some?"

I smiled cutely up at him. "Of course, my love."


A/N weird that Luke showed up me, it's gonna get weirder. But sssh, it's a secret! I'll update again tomorrow too.

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