Chapter 20

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Adam's POV

It's been two days since Cassie's accident. She's been in the coma for that long as well.

It was so hard to sleep. All I did was toss and turn. All I could think about was the love of my life, alone in the hospital.

I managed to eat, but not as much as I usually did.

Current time, I was sitting in the waiting room, drifting off into a nap.

Cassie's dad was at work, and my mom was at her hotel.

Before I was fully in sleep mode, I heard commotion coming from down the hall.

I sprang up, and rushed down the hall, noticing the commotion coming from Cassandra's room.

I was held back by a doctor.

"What is going on?!" I shrieked at him.

"She's awake but heavily medicated, and she's fighting to get out of bed. She pulled out some of her wires."

My eyes shot to the room.

Cassie was thrashing her hands and legs against the nurses holding her.

"Let me go! I'm fine! Let me out of here!" She exclaimed.

"Cassie!!!" I yelled.

She turned my way at the mention of her name, but before she could respond, she went limp from the sedative a nurse had shot in her arm.

I let out a breath, as she calmed down, and closed her eyes.

The doctor finally released my arm, and I looked up at him.

"Why did she do that?!" I asked.

"She doesn't remember what happened. She doesn't know why she's in the hospital, and she wants out. She's going to need to stay here for at least another day; we have to make sure she's alright."

I sighed. "What can I do?"

"I think she would benefit a lot from talking to you. When she wakes up, you can talk to her."


2 hours later.

"Mr. Levine."

I followed the nurse who had called my name, and entered Cassie's room.

She was sitting up in her bed, and a smile formed on her face.

She started to cry. "Adam!"

I walked around to her side, and grabbed her face, and kissed her for as long as we could go without taking a breath.

I looked into her eyes. "I'm so glad you're okay. I was so scared." I muttered.

Cassie looked back at me. "Adam, what happened? Why am I in the hospital?"

I sighed, pulling a chair closer to her bed, and sat down. I grabbed her hand in mine.

"You were in a car accident baby."

Her eyes widened, and her hand covered her mouth.

"Please tell me I wasn't drunk." She whispered.

"You were."

The tears started rolling down her face.

"Oh, Adam, I'm so sorry. I'm such a sad excuse for a girlfriend. I don't deserve you, and this is all my fault."

I kissed her hand. "You were in pain. You're still not over the miscarriage. Are you?"

She looked down at her hands, and didn't answer.

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