Chapter 15

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1 week later

Cassie's POV

I let out a sigh of ecstasy as I turned around in bed to meet the smiling face of Adam.

He kissed my nose, and placed his hand gently on my stomach.

He gave me the most adorable smile ever. "Our baby's in there."

I giggled, moving closer to him. "I know. There's going to be a full weight baby in there soon."

"So how are we gonna tell our parents today? My mom arrives here at 4, and your dad is driving up here too." Adam said.

"We could take them out to dinner." I suggested.

Adam smiled, nodding, "Good idea. Food makes any news better."

I laughed, looking at the clock.

"It's 2pm. We slept so long, babe."

Adam smirked seductively, running his hand softly up my thigh, sending tingles up my spine.

"We can stay in bed a little longer."

I laughed, gently pushing him back, while he let out a melodious laugh.

"We have to get ready, Adam. We know how long you take in the bathroom."

Adam frowned, pretending to pout, "I don't take that long."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Whatever you say. Just make the reservation first."


2 hours later.

I pet Gracie's head, smiling, as we sat on the couch, waiting on Adam's mom, Patsy, and my dad. Bones was in Adam's lap, and he was having a cute moment with his dog.

"Are you nervous?" Adam asked.

I nodded swiftly, "Somewhat. They might not like the fact that we didn't wait til we were married, let alone 4 months into our relationship."

Adam let out a short chuckle, "Well, it happens. We, especially me, weren't careful. But I don't regret it. Do you?"

I feigned shock, and then smiled, "How could I ever regret anything associated with you. I'm in love with you, Adam."

Adam slightly blushed, and stared at me lovingly. "I'm more in love with you than I've ever been before."

Before I could respond, the doorbell rang.

Gracie and Bones instantly started barking, racing towards the door. Adam and I stood up, interlocked hands, and walked to the front door.

Adam leaned down, and opened it.

His face lit up. "Mom!!"

He instantly hugged her, and she laughed, allowing her son into her arms.

She gripped his face gently. "My little Adam! I missed you dear!"

Adam chuckled, "Mom...I'm not little."

"Oh, of course you are. You'll always be little to me," his mom replied.

His mom then turned to me, a genuine smile on her face.

"And who's this lovely young lady??" She asked.

I stuck out my hand for her to shake. "I'm Cassandra West, your son's girlfriend."

She shook my hand. "It's nice to meet you, Cassie. I'm Patsy, Adam's mom."

I smiled, looking at Adam. "I know. I've heard a lot about you."

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