Chapter 5

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The next day

I woke up around noon the next day, thinking about yesterday. I couldn't believe I had given Adam another chance. But this was his last one. I really hoped he wouldn't mess it up.

I had six hours to kill, and I didn't really know what to do. I didn't want to just sit around, so I decided after a few minutes that I would go shopping. Mostly to calm my nerves.

I walked into the bathroom, and took a shower. After that, I made my way over to my closet, and picked out some sweats and a simple t shirt. I threw on some shoes, and pulled my hair into a messy bun.
A few minutes later, I was walking out the door to my car.

I arrived at my favorite store a few minutes later. It was kind of small, but it had the best things.
I walked inside, and I was instantly drawn to this dress.
There were a few other people in the store, including the male cashier. He looked new, because I had never seen him before.
All I could focus on at that moment was the dress though. It was short and had a bit of fluff to it, but not too much. It was black with gold mixed together in an intricate, yet intriguing pattern, and was perfectly fitted at the waist.
I grabbed it off the rack quickly, and made my way to the dressing rooms.
As soon as I got inside I ripped my clothes off, and put on the dress as fast as possible.
A smile came to my face as I twirled around and admired myself in the dress.
It brought out every curve of my body, and made me look beautiful. It was perfect for tonight. It wasn't too fancy, but it wasn't too casual. It was in between.
I took it off gently, and put my clothes back on. I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the room. I had a few more hours to spare so I just walked around the store, admiring pieces of clothing.
4 hours later

Okay, I went a little overboard. My hands were full of clothes, including the dress. And I had two hours before Adam was due to pick me up.
I walked up to the male cashier, and he let out a laugh.
"I see you went hard today."
I laughed, "Yeah, I was just looking for an outfit for tonight at first, but then I just lost control."
The cashier smirked at me as he started ringing items up.
"What's tonight?" He asked.
"I have a date." I replied with a smile.
"Oh..well that kills my chances."
I looked up at him, with a raised eyebrow, "Chances of what?"
He chuckled. "Going out with you."
I laughed. "Yeah..sorry."
There was no more conversation exchanges after that, and after about 10 minutes, I was walking out of the store, bags in my hands.
2 hours later

I was sitting at my kitchen table waiting for Adam. I pulled out my compact mirror and looked at myself one last time. My curled blonde hair cascaded perfectly around my face, and I couldn't get over how good the hints of red looked. My makeup was simple: just a little eyeliner, winged, and mascara that made my eyes and lashes pop. And to finish off, some lip gloss. Let's not forget the dress.
Just as I was putting the mirror away, the doorbell rang.
I jumped a bit, but stood up, walking to the door. I opened it, and Adam's mouth dropped.
"Wow." was the only word that came out.
I chuckled nervously, "Wow good, or wow bad?"
Adam smiled up at me, "Wow, beautiful."
I blushed. I couldn't help it. Him calling me beautiful got to me.
"You don't look too bad yourself."
Adam had on dark jeans, with his signature white t-shirt, and a leather jacket to round everything out. He was the definition of sexy right now.
He held out his arm for me to grab, "Shall we?"
I nodded, gripping his crooked arm, as he lead me out to his car.
After we got in, there was a beat of silence before I spoke,
"So, where are we going?"
Adam looked over at me, smiling, his dimples showing.
"It's a surprise." He replied.
I smirked, and relaxed against the seat.

Not even 15 minutes later, we had arrived at the restaurant.
Adam got out, and circled around to open my door for me, but I beat him to it. He met my eyes, and we smirked at each other.
"I got it." I said softly.
He nodded, understanding, and we walked up the stairs, and to the hostess stand.
"Reservation for Levine." He told the girl standing there.
She smiled, nodding, and motioned for us to follow her.
She lead us out to a table, that had a view of a beach.
I gasped excitedly. "The beach is right down there?!"
Adam smiled happily. "Yep. We can go right down those stairs, and there we are."
I looked at him, smiling happily. "This is perfect."
An hour later, we had all but eaten ourselves to death, dessert and all. We made small talk, and the occasional flirting was involved.

We were walking down the stairs that lead to the beach, Adam's hand lightly on my back, leading the way.

We walked down a few feet until I felt the sand underneath my feet.
I giggled, looking at Adam, "I love this."
We got farther down towards the water, and decided to sit against smooth rocks that outlooked the water and the beginning sunset.
We both sat down, and it was silent for a moment before Adam spoke,
"So, Cassie, why are you working in a hotel? I would expect a girl like you to be working somewhere extravagant."
I laughed out loud, "I always get that. But, seriously, I don't know. I just came out here to be with my dad. And things just kinda happened that way. My dad knew I needed a job, so he called up his best friend, Dan, my boss, and worked it out. So there you go. I'm just a simple hotel maid."
Adam was looking at me intently. "You're not simple. Or average. I think you're amazing. You're different than most girls I go out with."
I chuckled playfully. "Oh, I know.."
Adam moved a little closer to me, as we relaxed against the rocks, which were surprisingly comfortable.
"Why did you come out here?"
I stopped smiling, and looked down at my feet. "I would rather not talk about that right now.."
I looked out at the sunset for a second, and then closed my eyes, feeling relaxed and peaceful.
I felt Adam's hand interlock with mine at that time, and I opened my eyes.
"You can talk to me about anything, Cassie."
I looked down at our hands interlocked, and smiled back up at him. "I know."
We met each other's eyes, and I closed my eyes as Adam's lips came in contact with mine.
You know when you kiss someone, and it just feels right? You just feel an instantaneous spark? Like the ones they talk about in movies?
That's what it was like kissing Adam at that moment. It felt right. As we kept kissing, I felt his hands on my face softly.
After a minute longer, I pulled back.
No words were coming to my mind, so all I could do was smile.
Adam was smiling genuinely, his eyes searching my face.
"That was exactly how I imagined this going tonight." He said, laughing a little.
I grabbed his hand again, "So did I."
As the sun was setting, it became the backdrop for Adam and I's second kiss, and that one was just as perfect as our first.
A/N what do you think? Comment, vote! xx

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