Goodbye New York...Hello Atlanta

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"Alright alright, everyone having a good time?!" Joe screamed into the mic on stage.

"Scream let us hear ya out there!!!" Sal yelled getting the crowd pumped.

They had just finished their last live show of the cruise and now it was party time. The boat would be returning to Miami in the morning and everyone was going crazy. Kassi just finished dinner with Brian's family and they were heading to the main stage to watch the guys. Brian's parents not wanting to be in the huge crowd opted for a table on the top deck overlooking their son. Kassi went with Brian's brothers and their wives as close as they could.

Kassi spotted Christine who worked for the art department of the show and waved. Christine motioned for security to let them cross to the side of the stage they had blocked off for crew. Jimmy and Danny left to fetch drinks from one of the cocktail waitresses and left the girls to watch the show. Joey Fatone was up singing karaoke getting the crowd pumped for the night. Brian had mentioned earlier that they would be up on stage until at least midnight and it being not even 9, Kassi knew they were in for a long night.

She spotted Brian off to the far left side of the stage signing autographs and taking picture after picture. The lights from the stage hit Kassi's ring at just the right angle and it caught her attention. She glanced down at her hand and smiled, something she had been doing for two days now. "It really is stunning." Jenny said noticing Kassi staring at her hand.

"I still can't believe it!" Kassi smiled.

Suddenly Joe happened to glance over and see Brian's family. He then walked across the stage to Brian and whispered something in his ear. Brian looked over and smiled at his new fiancé and nodded his head yes to Joe. It was then that Kassi knew something was up.

Once the song that Joey was singing was over, Joe signaled to the DJ behind them to cut the music. "Can I get everyone's attention please. I have to break hearts all over the world." Brian was walking behind Joe and bent his head back in laughter at that comment. He then made his way to the edge of the stage and pointed to Kassi to come closer. Never in all the years she had known Brian had she ever gotten on stage or even walked a red carpet with him at an event. Being on camera or in the public eye was  not something she was ever interested in. She was starting to see where this was going and she kept repeatedly shaking her head no.

"Something happened a couple days ago that you ladies aren't gonna be happy about. Brian Q Quinn, is officially off the market." Joe laughed into the mic.

Kassi finally had no choice and with Brian's help stepped on stage. "Totally Joe's idea, not mine." Brian whispered against her ear. But if he was being honest, as private as he was he was looking forward to showing her off as his.

Sal grabbed a mic and addressed the crowd, "Does everyone remember the punishment a few seasons ago where Q was hooked up to a labor simulation machine, you may recognize Kassi from that punishment. She was pregnant with his daughter at the time."

Kassi looked at the smiling crowd and waved as she clung to Brian's arm. Never in her life had she been in front of so many people. "My future wife everybody!" Brian shouted into his mic lifting up her left hand to display the new ring on her finger.

The crowd responded in typical Jokers' fans fashion and erupted in cheers. Brian was smiling and laughing hysterically as he pulled his future bribe in for a kiss. She was so red from embarrassment but decided to enjoy this while he could since there was nothing she could do but stand beside him in front of thousands of his fans.

From one of the bars that overlooked the stage was Dani and one of her friends. "I can't believe he actually proposed to her! Didn't he always say he would never get married?" The friend asked looking at Dani.

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