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Lance has a lot of things to fear, all things someone his age shouldn't need to be afraid of.
One of those many fears is the Galran Empire. Sure, you'd expect that from any person that knew about them, but Lance's ran deep. He hates how his hands would always shake in the heat of a battle, or when his breathing would stop all together. Most of all, he hates how many sleepless nights he gets, tossing and turning from the constant memories of slaughtering soldiers with his own two hands. But it wasn't always those things that made him fear them. It's what he'd seen them do before—destroying planets, wiping out or enslaving entire colonies, and harvesting innocent races for their own prosperity. Space is a mess, and the main reason for it is the giant, fearsome dictator that is the Galra Empire. So yeah, Lance is pretty sure that is something that's deserving of a spot on his list.
Another thing that scares the living daylights out of him is, that witch, Haggar. Her piercing stare or even how she seemed to glide instead of walking, continues to creep him out.   The mental damage she has made to team Voltron is alarming. She caused a rift in between Shiro and the others, and then stressed everyone out with the idea that the real Shiro would never come back. Luckily he did, but Haggar has already caused enough mental trauma and PTSD to him to cover the whole team.
The one thing the red paladin fears the most though, is abandonment.
Abandonment isn't something anyone could fight, it's something that simply happens. It's as if you suddenly are alone, everything you once saw comfort in, is gone, far away from your own grasp. Sure, it doesn't sound that bad in theory, but when you witness it first hand, it's terrifying. Lance has seen it before. Some of the alien children he's previously rescued had been separated from their families. Voltron would gather them up and wait until a family member found them. But sometimes, no one came. It's heartbreaking to see how one's fear could change so quickly into something so morbid. The hope that things would be ok again, and they'd finally be able to see their family, disappears. Lance didn't want to see that happen to himself. It tore him apart at night, wondering if maybe, he doesn't really belong on the team. Maybe they'd abandon him, too.
So even this silly little fear of abandonment really wasn't such a little fear.

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