Twenty-three Threats

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"Why are you here, Louis?"

"I was bored. Plus, Liam called me asking about you."

"What? What did he want?"

"Calm down, I'll get there. Besides, why can't I just visit? It's not like Harry's going anywhere. . ."

"You're not the sort of company he needs, and neither is Liam. I'd prefer if he never knew about you two."

"Well, it's too late for me, but I guess I can keep quiet about Liam."

"Guess? You will keep quiet or stay away."

"So you're saying I can stay?"

". . . For now."

"Won't let ya down."

"Mhm. Now tell me about Liam."

"Only if you remove your hand from my throat. Thank you. Anyway, he heard about your escape from Loringdale, and he was spot on when he asked if I knew where you were. I didn't tell him of your whereabouts, of course, but he's coming to see me. It's best if you just stay out of the city if you want to continue your little. .  . tantrum."

"It's not a tantrum if it lasts several years. How long is he staying?"

"I don't know."

"Ugh, I should just get it over with and kill him."

"You and I both know if you could have, you would've killed Liam a long time ago. Hell, I would have, too; he's a bastard."

"When he asks, tell him I went east."

"He'll know I'm lying. . ."

"That sounds like your problem."

". . ."

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". . ."

"Darling, you can come down now."

". . ."


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