Chapter 12

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"I want to stay here just a bit longer, okay?" Wildflower noted, staring at the Fallen Tree.

     The so-called "Fallen Tree" was just like every other fallen tree in the forest. The once proud and glorious tree had crashed due to death's touch. The leaves slumped to the ground, no longer able to absorb the sun's rays. The branches hung their heads low, ashamed to look up. While the trunk of the tree rested peacefully on the ground, hardly paying attention to the life that flourished around it.

     What surprised Wildflower was how pitiful the leaves and branches looked. The rest of the tree, the trunk of it, seemed fine. Whether standing up high and in the sun, or on the ground and in the shade. In her view, the trunk seemed like it was the only thing left on the tree that seemed content in the shade and not the sunlight.

     How can that happen? How is it that the leaves and branches, connected to the trunk of the tree are long gone and look desperate for the sun as the base looks happy?  Wildflower walked up to the trunk, brushing her paw gently across the wood. Her paw went over loose bark that had fallen off but didn't pierce herself. Sighing to herself, she stepped away to examine the tree once again.

     No traces of claws marked the surface. If an adult couldn't make any dents or scratches on the trunk, then a kit stood no chance either. Wildflower's eyes trailed back to the end of the trunk, where the stump stood. The part where the tree snapped off looked like a frightened porcupine, the jagged splinters reaching up where they once connected with a trunk.

     "Why am I so worried about a stupid tree?" Wildflower pushed herself forward, back to Crow and Storm.

     The grass rustled as he appeared as the two cats made their way back into the clearing. Wildflower curled her tail around her paws neatly and skeptically shifted over towards them. Then another shuffle caught their attention. The two scouters shared a quick moment with each other just as Storm narrowed her eyes, hearing the noise as well. 

     Now what?

     "Looks like we're done for now---" All three of their ears flicked left, scanning the area. Wildflower's right ear sank as her left continued to strain itself, knowing where the sounds were emitting from. She bared her teeth and sank her claws into the soil. 

     Crow silently got up and ordered the two to stay put. The black tom snuck off toward the path, keeping himself hidden through a sea of green. Storm, ignoring her orders, lowered herself to the ground and followed him from a few paces behind, dropping the rabbit before she left. Unsure what to do, Wildflower moved her eyes towards the sound and scent, hoping that she could be useful and still follow orders.

     As soon as the scent drifted into her nose, her mind shot back in time, reaching out to grab her with vines that scarred her pelt, tangling around her and dragging her into a dark place. 

     Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Failure.

     Blizzard, I thought you were dead.

     Wildflower's eyes narrowed towards the unknown territory. A sense of battle and revenge broke out inside, wanting to spread its roots and take control. A part demanded that she stay put and obey the rules that she was ordered to. The other part itched for her to have her revenge.

     Against Blizzard, the Imperfect she believed to be dead. Wildflower snickered, unable to think properly as she dropped into a crouch, letting her instincts take her after Storm and Crow. 

     Ooh, how she wanted to sink her claws into Blizzard's pelt. See the snow-covered fur dripping with blood. Instead of the usual, snowflakes that fell from the sky in the coldwind, what if they were red? She couldn't contain her imagination, and every part of her directed her forward, waiting to see the Imperfect themself. 

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