Chapter 32

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"For Endless Star's sake! I do not sleepwalk anymore!" Tsunami hissed at Blizzard. "I was a kit---"

     "Another point for Blizzard!" Hurricane said, nudging Tsunami's side. The black and white she-cat flattened her ears at her. 

     "Come now, dear sister," Lightning mimicked Blizzard's tone which caused Tsunami to whirl around and lash out with a clawed paw. He avoided the blow and set his own paw on hers, pushing it down. "All is fair in love and war."

     "We aren't even in war right now! Now every cat just shut up! We're at the tree now!" Tsunami snarled, silencing her brother and sister. In the back, Firestorm and Blizzard stood together and looked at each other, sharing a conversation. Hurricane snickered as Wildfire sprang behind her older sister, catching the calico by surprise as Lightning turned the other way. 

     Hurricane stared at the Fallen Tree. It had more moss growing on it, but it was still the same old tree that she had seen. For a short second, Hurricane thought she could see a faint outline of her younger self standing beside her, examining the tree with keen interest. When she looked right, the outline was gone, and something else caught her eye.

     A flash of amber in the forest ran across the trees, their pelt standing out like a crow against a cloud. Hurricane shook her head and the amber pelt had vanished.

     I'm going crazy.

     "You're already crazy."

     I'm gonna have to agree with that for once...

     "So..." Lightning didn't look impressed with the tree. "What now? Was there a reason we crossed into the Tribe of Shining Suns for this?"

     The five of them sat together not saying a word. Hurricane turned to look at Blizzard, the cat who had suggested they come here. The she-cat shrugged and Wildfire pressed her nose against the tree, sniffing it. Tsunami looked disgusted and reached her paw forward, taking her sister's head and dragged her away.

     Then Hurricane broke the silence. "Do you guys know what happened with this tree? I know you said that Cinder tried to figure out the answer." 

     "It's quite simple, really," Firestorm answered. "The Fallen Tree was a mark of an escaping caregiver and her young."

     Dandelion. She recalled her mother easily, remembering the tale Origanum told her about her mother's escape from the tribe. The roots of the old tree finally giving in and breaking, allowing her to escape with the price of losing one of her kits. Hurricane shuddered. 

     "No cat knows how the tree fell," Firestorm replied. "No cat also knows where the caregiver went; all that we know is that the story has been a fable."

     "Do you guys ever wonder why we have perfection?" Hurricane asked, looking at the ground. "I mean, I was practically brainwashed to believe it was the way to live. Do you know why?"

     "We know as much as you," Firestorm said, "you guys just think of yourselves better than us."

     "I can't change that," Hurricane said. "I wish I could save my family."

     "We are your family," Wildfire said firmly, turning. "Even if you may not be blood-related, I see you as an older sister. I don't know if the others see you as a part of our family, but I do! I don't want anyone to take you away, even if it's Cher---"

     "A border patrol is happening," Lightning snapped, jumping on his paws, his pelt spiked out. His eyes scanned for a nearby hiding place "Get away! Other side! Now!"

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