Chapter 33

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Not even four miles into the journey down memory lane, Tsunami and Lightning had gotten into another fight. Firestorm handled his younger sibling's shenanigans better than Blizzard, surprisingly. 

     Hurricane listened to Blizzard as she told her stories of all of them when they were little. Growing up with stories such as Cinder and her bravery, their father and how he used to be a loving parent, and not-so-great times when their mothers got into fights. When she looked at the silver Imperfect, she saw the images of a bloodthirsty and monstrous she-cat fade away and the image of an over-protective older sister took that place, love emitting from her icy, blue eyes.

     Walking over to the Training Den only brought back bad memories of her past. She only listened to what the silver she-cat had to say once in a while. The rest of the time was spent dwelling on her own time and lost in the world she once called home.

     I wonder, are there any new kits at the Training Den? Have they been raised just like me? Bounce, what about Snow's brother? Does he still miss her? Hurricane felt her paw steps getting lighter and lighter as she got closer to the place. Her heart thudded against her chest while her breathing increased, worried.

     "I think it would be wise to rest for a bit," Firestorm concluded after hearing the end of Lightning and Tsunami's fight. The calico stormed off the other direction, leaving the other tom to stand fuming at his sister with a cross expression. Hurricane sat down and curled her tail over her paws. Blizzard padded over to Firestorm and whispered something in his ear.

     Wildfire was the only one that seemed happy. Being the youngest of the group, she had more energy than all of them combined packed in her little body. Hurricane did enjoy watching her grow out of her usual energetic self and into a more mature stance - even if it meant there wouldn't be a miniature sun following her everywhere. 

     Through the past days, Hurricane felt the loss of her old family fade into the wind and carried away far beyond her sight, leaving them a mystery that only worsened as she let time carry on.

     "I want to meet Leopard, he sounds cool," Wildfire stated, hoping to cheer up the group. All of them turned to her. "What? Is there something wrong with that?"

     "No, not at all," Firestorm assured with a smile. "I'm sure you'll get along with anyone you want to, Wildfire." That made his sister smile and made his eyes soften at the joyful sister. Hurricane turned her gaze toward Tsunami who was still glaring at Lightning. The tom didn't seem bothered by her and continued his day by cleaning himself.

     "Should we send out patrols?" Hurricane suggested, drawing the attention to herself. "It would help us if we start searching now. There is the chance Magnolia left and moved around this place."

     "I'll go with you if nobody else wants to," Blizzard meowed with a glint of enjoyment in her voice. Sensation washed over Hurricane knowing that she was coming along.

     "We can stay here until you get back so you have somewhere to return to," Firestorm added, to which both she-cats nodded. "Tsunami, why don't you join them?"

     "Huh?" The calico asked in disbelief. "Why me?!"

     "Hey, don't forget me!" Wildfire pouted, racing up to her big brother's side. "I wanna join them! My brothers can spend some... friendly brother bonding time! I wanna go with my sisters! Please say you will! Pretty please!" The she-cat begged, practically drooling with excitement. Firestorm nodded and tried to push her back and toward the group.

     "You heard him, dear sister," Lightning mocked, smirking at his sister's frustration. "You get to with the girls while we do this..." He trailed off and looked at Wildfire. "Brother bonding time..."

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