Chapter 31

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[Eight moons later]

"Jump!" Hurricane commanded and sprang alongside Summit and Lizard. All three of them landed on the tree effectively, keeping their balance as the branch moaned and swung. She gripped the bark tightly, gritting her teeth as she gritted her teeth, almost willing the tree to stop moving. She motioned her tail forward once it stopped and the two cats snaked their way forward, aiming for the next tree.

     They jumped to the next branch and she followed, watching her back if a cat like Wasp was hanging in the branches. Summit was first, wrapping herself around the branch just as the gray tom followed, eyes planted on the she-cat more than the tree. He landed squarely and pulled himself up, casually smiling at the ginger she-cat, who shook her head. Hurricane shot forward, keeping her body still as she crashed beside them, back legs dangling in the air. 

     She kept her growl under her breath and pushed herself up, ignoring her sneering mind. In the past moons, she had slowly gotten used to her new life, allowing herself to be less tense when she slipped on her paws. While she stared at the cobwebs that still clung onto her, she did her best to keep her mind occupied, but any time she did mess up, the strings would wrap around her and pull her under its torments. 

     But she still tried to make it through, wishing she could erase her mistakes. 

     Hurricane looked back up at the two cats, cleaning her mind. "Is the prey in sight?" Summit peered below and Lizard leaned forward as well, paying more attention to the ginger she-cat. Seeing this, she snorted and questioned how Firestorm kept the flirtish tom around. 

     "My prey is," Lizard joked, winking at Summit. She scowled and smacked him across the face, causing the branch to wobble. The tom tumbled back, crashing into Hurricane, who lost the balance at the sudden force, falling out of the tree along with him. The she-cat on the branch whirled around and lashed a paw out, trying to grab ahold of her but failed, nearly falling herself. 

     Hurricane fell straight through a blanket of leaves. Rock bottom met her in the face with a painful slam, her back absorbing the impact of both of them. She moaned as a rustle of leaves and branches above told her Summit was making her way down. Lizard, still dazed, didn't get off and the she-cat forced him off her leader, turning on him.

     "Lizard," Summit growled, flattening her fur. "You're lucky that Firestorm isn't here right now. How does he even put up with you? Just pray that Hurricane or I don't spill the beans to him." She gave Hurricane a worried look as she got on her paws, the world still spinning as the two conversed. 

     "But you see that I couldn't help but resist you, my dear Summit..." Lizard flirted, still recovering from the fall as he swayed back and forth. "It's such a shame that no other cat can see your magnificent beauty..."

     "Lizard..." Hurricane groaned, rubbing her head. "We just failed that. Wildfire's team probably is in the lead now. Now, stop flirting."

     "Thank you," Summit sighed. "Hear that Lizard? Wildfire beat us. All thanks to you."

     "Attack!" A screech flashed throughout the forest like lightning. Lizard and Summit let out yelps as two pelts came flying out of the brambles, taking them by surprise. The gray tom didn't stand a chance as he was violently jerked down and the she-cat didn't have enough time to whirl around and defend her back just as another she-cat came barreling out, pinning her down. Hurricane could vaguely pick out two cats and the third cat came for her, jumping on her back. 

     "Wildfire..." she groaned, trying to focus her eyes as her face was shoved into the dirt. 

     "Hi!" Wildfire said innocently, refusing to move. 

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