Chapter 21

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"The Tribe of Endless Stars accepts your request. From here on, you will now be known as Arrow of the Tribe of Shining Suns," Origanum announced, with great empathize, shouting it to the sky above. 

     Cats began to chant the new name, hearing their voice crescendo louder and louder till it reached the stars. Arrow looked embarrassed and intimidated under the cheers, but nevertheless, his competitive nature shot through him. He stood higher, fighting to keep his face under control so he wasn't smiling like a tiny kit. 

     Wildflower tried to see through the variety of pelts blocking her view. Cats began to crowd around the newest member, eager to greet the new member and hand out their wishes towards him. Maple tried to slip by the other cats to arrive first, but Dandelion held her back, promising her and Blaze that they'd spend time together later.

     "Before we get too settled in, Arrow, is it your wish to become a spy?" Origanum asked cheerfully, eyes sparkling a little too brightly in her brother's face. Obviously, the Alpha's playful and strange nature had gotten to Apple as more of a shock than Wildflower had handled it. He narrowed his eyes at her, saying nothing as the wide smile remained on the Alpha's face but cleared his throat to answer her request.

     "Yes, it is," he answered.

     "Great!" Origanum whirled back to the crowd on her ledge. "Attention my fellow tribemates! We now have a new spy in the Tribe! Please raise your heads up high for Arrow!" The spies let out the loudest cheers, even if there were only a couple of them. Wildflower watched as Arrow approached the spies, looking at all of them with his picky eyes.

     It looks like he's already deciding he won't stand being the omega in the spy job. Wildflower padded over towards Arrow and he looked up with her with his judging, yellow eyes. When he saw his older sister, they calmed down, but the fire still never died out. 

     It'll always be like that, Wildflower thought with a smile, which threw him off. He'll always strive and crave to be the best out of all of us.

     "I wish that you'll never lose your competitiveness, Arrow," she said, dipping her head low in respect.

     "Before we do the Acceptance Ceremony, it's time for the Assembly!" Origanum shouted with enthusiasm. "As you know, it's not often that we get a new member of our Tribe and it's the night of a full moon." Everycats' gleaming eyes went up to the silver ball floating above them, praising the silver sun. While they weren't bright and warm like the sun's, Wildflower felt comforted in their cool rays.

     "So, I've decided to start the challenges! For our first one, we've got Snake of the Spies challenging Panther of the Spies for the head role!" Origanum nodded, signaling the two spies to come closer. Cats shuffled around the outside of the camp, giving the two cats enough room to start the challenge.

     The golden Alpha leaped down from the ledge, landing on her paws with ease. "As you know, a simple task will be offered to both cats. Bring out the herbs!" she screamed at the healers. 

     Heather and River scrambled around, grabbing the leafy plants that they could carry and rushed into the center of the camp. The other healers, Oak and Ash, brought in more herbs. Wildflower watched as they dumped the leaves in the center of the circle. The two spies stared at the leaf bundle, their quick eyes picking each and every herb.

     A cool breeze fluttered by, catching some of the herbs and tried to drag them away. Oak leaped in the air, reclaiming the lost herb and placing them back into the pile. Origanum stepped up towards them and her eyes flashed at the both of them. Snake remained calm and focused and Panther's lips quivered as he softly whispered to himself, and if Wildflower craned her ears hard enough, she thought she could hear him state the names. 

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