Chapter 25

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"Run, Wildflower," Dandelion whispered outside of the camp. "You have to sneak out of the camp with Snow."

     "I don't want to go back!" she argued, fearing if she stepped a single foot on the mountain a swarm of arrows would come at her, ripping away her fur and leave her to the wild - not that she saw that being a possible outcome. Wildflower shivered, her mind unable to come up with an effective plan.

     "And you want Snow to get killed?!" Dandelion snapped back. "I don't like seeing my daughter kicked out of the tribe either, okay? All of you mean the world to me and sending you off again when I'm not around..." The hunter paused for a brief moment before she hardened herself. "If there was any chance my kits could survive death, I'd take it."

     Wildflower growled, raising her fur. "I'm not saying that I want to---"

     "So, since you've labeled yourself an Imperfect you aren't able to do anything good?" Her mother interrupted, exploding. "I'm sure there are Imperfects out there that aren't as bad as you think."

     Why do you seem so sure about that? She thought, suspicion rising around her mother. Wildflower shook her head, her fear coming back in waves. She looked back at the camp, most it was filled with cats murmuring about her mistake. Origanum might've been told about it. She was pretty sure that she was ready to banish her.

     Maybe a beta would kill her or Arrow, Maple, and Blaze. Who knows about them? If anything, her older brother would be more concerned about her feelings and hesitate to raise a paw to strike down the little sister he knew and loved. There'd be her younger brother, completely mindblown she made a mistake and would be quick to scorn her. Her sister would try to deny it, hoping to protect her younger sister.

     There was one flame that heated vibrantly, yearning for her. Snow.

     "Come on, maybe you can save one life."

     Snow would only suffer afterward. Wildflower could only hold onto for about four more moons. After those nights were over, the she-kit would be killed. Though there might be another way to save her but crossing into that path risked both of their lives. 

     She questioned, wondering if dying by the paws of family was better than one of an enemy's.

     "Do it, please," Dandelion urged. "Heron spoke to me and noticed your attitude change. She said if there was a way to save her kit, she would gladly take it. Do it. She won't be mad."

     "And what about Crow? He'll be---"

     "A mother and a father would do anything for their kits. If Snow had any chance of survival outside of this camp, they'd take it. But they can't just dump a kit in the middle of the forest. Where you escape, she has a better chance with you."

     "I'm no mother," she whispered, paws trembling. 

     "But you remember the skills of a mother," Dandelion said. "When dusk falls, right before the night of your decision, take her and run."

     Wildflower gulped, gathering her courage. Her paws felt light. She felt sick to her stomach, no longer having the strength she needed. The hardest part would be facing her family members, their loving faces turning hurtful. With her own paws, she had torn away two of them, their faces becoming distant memories against her will.

     It will be a last goodbye. Wildflower glanced towards the left side of the camp. Imperfect territory. How much different would it be from the Tribe of Shining Suns? She figured if a mouse-brain like Wasp could survive, she'd have a better chance with her skills still coursing throughout her system - even if they were full of mistakes.

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