Chapter 22

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Wildflower stared at her paws, still trying to process what happened three days ago. Storm's life simply ripped away from her paws without a second chance. It was fair, she argued, the warrior had chosen to fight on, even if it meant she knew that she'd be killed at any chance given. Now the tribe was down a Warrior, yet no cat seemed to care. 

     "This is your world, Wildflower." For once, she was grateful for the voice in her head. The statement of having a conversation with yourself was better than she imagined. It was even the softer voice, one that soothed her worries instead of picking her piece to piece like a vulture.

     So? It's common to see a cat get killed in a challenge.

     "Then why are you in shock at her death? You say it's common, but why are you locking yourself up in the scouters' den?"

     She didn't have an answer to that question. Her mind remained as silent as the den. Perfection is the way. There is nothing better than it. It's simple. If you aren't perfect, you'll get killed.

     "So then you should die." The hiss of the taunting voice came back to claim her. She felt its shadowy paws wrap around her mind, imbolizing her. "You say if you aren't perfect, you're to be killed. So you should die."

     And what choice do I have? I'm not going to die to satisfy your nonexistent needs.

     "Oh no, no, no. They're also your needs. You want to be perfect so bad, but you aren't.

     Nobody knows so I'm not imperfect.

     "And when they find out? What are you going to do then, huh?"

     I'll worry about it when it comes closer. I don't need you.

     Wildflower pushed herself on her paws, exiting the den, hoping that would make the voice vanish. It did momentarily in the sunlight. The camp had been moving on regularly ever since Arrow's arrival and the challenges in place, welcoming their latest member and the warriors continued their daily activities, paying no attention to their fallen member.

     In that eventful evening, Snake had gone up against Panther. Snake had lost to Panther, demoted down one rank in the spy ranks with Goose becoming the second spy. Storm had fought Juniper, was killed in the fight, and the tom had moved up one rank. Clover had gone up against Shade in the Scavenger Hunt and lost, causing her rank to drop to down one. Then Dandelion had gone up against Rabbit through the Night-Hunt Challenge and won. 

     While Wildflower had moved up one rank in the Scouter, Crow had switched to become a Warrior to take Storm's place and a few other ranks had been bounced around by Origanum's command. She lifted her head to see Creek standing by the Alpha's side as she was drawing in the dirt. Blaze wasn't anywhere to be seen and Dandelion was out on a hunt. Maple was by Bounce's side with Heron watching her only surviving kit play. Snow by herself, staring off into the sky, eyes in a distant world she.

     She padded over to the meeting that was in session. Instantly, Creek whipped his head up at her, casting daggers at her. The other betas seemed to be irritated about her arrival while Origanum was the only one with oblivious joy. The Alpha stepped out of the way and toward her.

     "Hi Wildflower! Finished your patrol yet?" she asked, tipping her head to the side.

     "Does she not know that Wildflower's on night shift?" A beta whispered. Creek shrugged, letting Origanum continue.

     "I'm on the night shift." She nodded towards the other beta who had brought it up. "I was wondering if I would be allowed to explore the territory. I've got nothing else to do so I figure I'd try and chart the territory in my head."

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