Chapter 19

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"It seems like you're fine, but Shade begs to differ," Heather said, examining her. Wildflower and Shade had gotten back to the camp by now and she made a direct beeline towards the healers' den. Heather was the only one in there, sorting out herbs as usual as spies came in and dropped off the herbs they had found while exploring. Maybe she should've been a spy instead, at least they get to wander around.

     Then again, I wouldn't be able to fight, Wildflower thought to herself. All they really do is scouter unknown places, find herbs, or act as messengers to the Tribe of Shining Suns and the Training Den. Wildflower set her head down on her paws.

     Should I tell her about the voice in my head?

     "What's going on? Feel sick?"

     "Sick to my stomach," Wildflower groaned, trying to sound tired.

     "Nope! You're just tired. That's why you should go to sleep earlier instead of staying up and hanging out with your family!" Heather claimed, cuffing Wildflower in the ear. She flinched but the healer was already on the job of dabbing it with some wet moss. "Honestly, what have you been taught?"

     "To be perfect," Wildflower answered sarcastically. The healer glared at her angrily, fire spreading through her veins. 

     "Just get some rest. Whether you stay here or walk around camp, but do not go outside and into the territory," Heather instructed and then left her patient on the nest. The tabby went back towards her herb pile. Wildflower pushed herself back onto her aching paws.

     Fresh air might do the trick, she thought, making her way towards the exit. The sunlight met her first. She covered her eyes for a second, trying to process all of the vibrant lights swarming in like an angry bee mob. Finally, her eyes adjusted and she spotted some cats around each other, seeming to play a game.

     Maple was by Dandelion and Blaze was over by the other betas. To join him would be improper; she knew that doing so would only get her in trouble all because of her low rank. 

     Wildflower's claws were unleashed and dug into the ground. Soon I'll be able to join him! I'll become Alpha if I have to!

     "And with your mistakes?" Her mind hissed, doubting lacing in its voice.

     Origanum only became the Alpha because she didn't want to be kicked out! Neither do I! So becoming Alpha would be like---

     "Oh, copying off of Origanum?"

     Wildflower stopped dead in her tracks. The camp was warmer, the wind blowing against the mountain top, roaring of an incoming storm. She glared at the sky, wishing that the storm wouldn't roll in, but her mind laughed anyway, leaving her along with the breeze. Silent for a moment, the scouter looked over at her mother and with no other option, padded over. 

     Maple's ear flicked as she heard the incoming paw steps. Dandelion lifted her head. "Wildflower, how kind of you to show up," she said, nodding to her right side. "Are you here for a story along with your older sister?"

     "Mother!" Maple exclaimed, her pelt growing red with embarrassment. "We aren't kits any more!"

     "But we are!" An excited squeal popped up behind Wildflower. She jumped up, whirling around to see the innocent pair of eyes of Bounce and Snow. "We're kits!"

     "Yeah! Yeah!" Snow agreed, not wanting to be left out. "Kits! Us!"

     Maple leaned over towards Wildflower's ear, strictly whispering, "Snow's got a speech problem, so don't say anything that points it out."

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