Chapter 15

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"Surely you've heard about it?" Cinder asked.

     "I..." Wildflower's voice left, leaving her staring at the mythical she-cat, her hazel eyes waiting for a response. 

     Fallen Heroes. From what I heard they're infamous for committing a sin against the tribe. There are five of them as of now. One killed an Alpha and betas, another for stealing herbs and giving them to Imperfects, another for teaching Imperfects our battle strategies, another for kidnapping kits, and then the last for attempting to kill the top beta. Wildflower stared at Cinder, unable to place a paw on the she-cat's name. "You're a Fallen Hero?"

     "Fallen Hero?!" Heather screeched, suddenly on alert. "Where?!" Heather's eyes scanned the den top to bottom, sticking close to Wildflower. 

     The last healer in the den, Oak, sprang up, fur was rising and his eyes searching for a hidden cat. River and Ash had recently returned and they stopped in their tracks, dropping the herbs they carried as they stared at Wildflower with horror. They stumbled away and ran without a second word.

     "Now you've done it," Cinder hissed, stepping closer to Wildflower, lifting a paw as if to smack her. 

     "There's a Fallen Hero here?" Oak questioned, slowly making his way to the exit, his fur tingling. "I'll get Origanum!"

     "No!" Wildflower said. "Sorry... I just... had a strange dream..."

     "You're a horrible liar," Cinder commented.

     "You were awake," Heather pointed out. "Were you dreaming with your eyes open?"

     "Uh..." Wildflower shuffled her paws, trying to block out Cinder's annoying snickering and giggling as the figure pranced around the den like a kit. "I was daydreaming."

     "About?" Oak pressed.

     "Horrible cover-up," Cinder remarked, returning to her side. "I'd stop talking if I were you. It'll only dig your grave faster."

     "Are you ever kind?" Wildflower demanded at the she-cat.

     "Of course I am!" she hissed, sounding offended.

     "Who are you talking to?" Oak asked. "There isn't anyone else in this room, is there?"

     "Go ahead," Cinder urged her quietly. "Mention me. Say my name."


     "Why what...?" Heather questioned, fear lingering in her voice as she stepped backwards, going for the exit. Oak shuffled out of the way, leaving the den yet looked over the brown she-cat's shoulder at the scouter.

     "You aren't going to get anywhere else without mentioning my name, okay? Just tell them! I'm dead anyway!" Cinder snapped, lashing her tail. "I would tell them if I could but I can only talk to you, so that's my setback, all right?!"


     "Cinder?!" Heather gasped, shrieked, turning tail immediately and almost knocking Oak over. The top healer stumbled but moved out of the way just as the she-cat ran out screaming, causing a panic to spread amongst the tribe. His eyes planted on the spot where Cinder stood, seeing nothing except an open space. Wildflower scrambled on her paws, her stomach yowling at the sudden movement.

     "Acorn..." Cinder mumbled once again.

     "Who is she?" Wildflower asked, pointing her striped tail at Cinder. Oak was making his way out of the room, her question going unanswered. The healer bolted out of the room later as if it were on fire. Angered, she stood glaring at Cinder, who began to groom herself.

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