Chapter 37

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The confidence Hurricane had earlier left in her a matter of minutes when she locked claws with Icicle. Apparently, the white warrior still bared the same hatred toward her escape, but fighting her now, it seemed to have doubled. She rolled under Icicle's paw just as she lashed out, barely missing her ear.

     "How are you still alive?!" Icicle demanded, nostrils flaring like an angry bull. Hurricane lowered her guard, noticing the she-cat didn't want to fight anymore. She didn't blame the warrior but eyed her, seeing if she could pick out slight movements of resistance. "Answer me, Imperfect! Are you deaf?!"

     "I can hear you perfectly fine," she growled. "Why do you hate me so much? I'm out of your life and you're still in this tribe and haven't been kicked out. That means that you're still hanging on," she pressed, holding a paw up to defend herself against the sharp-witted warrior's attack, who used her entire body. 

     Successfully defending herself, Icicle stumbled back and prepared another attack. "I don't hate you for that." She sprang without warning, giving her little time to brace before Hurricane was pressed against the ground. The beta unleashed her claws, sinking them into her shoulders and drawing blood. 

     Sensing something else, Hurricane stopped resisting, blinking in confusion. She didn't fight back and slowly sheathed her claws. Her green eyes locked onto the claws on her shoulders and Icicle hissed, warning her. 

     She flattened her ears. "Then why do you hate me?"

     "You don't even want to know," Icicle growled. She shook her head, eyes clouded with grief and confusion. "You know you destroyed both of your sisters when they learned you weren't here. Your littlest one, most of all."

     Cherry?! Her sister flashed in her mind, her sweet smile and amber eyes. Hurricane could clearly see her sister's face when she heard the news of her disappearance. Imagining the look on her face when she wasn't greeted by her when she entered the tribe was too easy, causing her heart to twist and mind to sneer. It broke her heart, knowing the damage she had done. Icicle let out a huff but didn't release her. 

     "Hurting her was the worst thing you could've ever done as a big sister, you know. A sister is supposed to support them, not hurt them," she snarled. "I'll kill you for her and end her suffering if that's what it takes to make her smile again."

     "How... don't you think killing me would only make things worse for her?!" Hurricane pleaded. The grip locked on her and didn't budge as she fought to break free. She gasped, heart beating against her chest as loud as a drum. The white beta shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut.

     "I don't care! If you're dead, then maybe she would stop worrying about you all the time!" Icicle yowled into her fur, head lowering and shaking. Hurricane stopped fighting and stared at her, the sudden realization falling into her head. The quietly sobbed, claws clutching her shoulders tight. 

     Shutting her eyes, she let out a sigh, knowing that she couldn't kill the cat standing at her paws. Cherry, all those conversations about love we had... I'm so glad that you've figured out what it means. I won't hurt you more than I already have. Hurricane pushed Icicle off, who didn't resist or react when she did so. 

     The cat collapsed on the ground in a sobbing mess. She reached her tail over and touched her shoulder, giving her a bit of support. Her shoulders were on fire and were weakening each second; Hurricane would have to find an herb or search the healers' den for something to help her.

     I won't kill your love. I don't want to see your crying face ever again or be the cause of it. Please, live a happy and long life with Icicle. Hurricane whispered, hoping Icicle would look up. 

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