Mine ²

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•I'm trying a new format on my reviews for more clarity

I really like your summary. It was really simple and to the point without revealing too much of the plot.

•Prologue— You have a very fitting prologue for a thriller book. It was very action packed and it reels your audience in for future chapters.
The plot is very well formed. Not completely obvious but you give the readers enough information to keep them on edge. As you said your book is a thriller for people who don't like thrillers. Someone who is completely new to this genre would have no problem getting hooked. I usually don't enjoy long chapters but your plot was interesting enough that I wasn't focused on how many pages were left. Good work

I enjoy the cover, it was very fitting since your book is about kidnappings. But I'd recommend to bold the authors name a bit more. It sort of hard to read.

You created well rounded characters. I like how your characters have imperfections and a past to them.

You can improve on describing and using literary elements. Incorporating more descriptive language could help to visualize.

Overall: 8.5/10

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