Pierced ²

40 1 2

Author: @tnvc525


Your summary is straight and to the point. It could be improved to make the story more alluring though. When I read your summary it didn't immediately spark my interest. Try using dialogue within it.

• Your plot is severely common, and common isn't necessarily a bad thing it just becomes quite predictable because it's repeated so many times.
• I'd give you the advice to always keep the reader on their toes, try something new end on a cliffhanger to make the story exciting.
•    Your flow is pretty decent, nothing seems too rushed.


• The cover was plain and very simple. Not so much intriguing and could be manipulated to fit the story.


• Overall, your writing isn't bad, the story is pretty well written and easy to read.
• The chapters are a bit too long for my liking. I'd advise to keep it to 1k-2k if possible.
• Create well-rounded characters, characters that have flaws and aren't just simply an archetype.

Overall: 7/10

Thank you! Hope this was any help. 💗

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