was it love ³

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🕊 plot spoilers ahead! 🕊


•Your summary was okay and definitely fit the plot. No major improvements are needed.

🕊 30/30


•This plot was exhausting, I feel like there was so much happening that gave me such a wide range of emotion that I couldn't fully enjoy or comprehend much. This was a very toxic love affair in this "love triangle" or "love square".

Kim Tae Hee

Okay first we start off with Kim Tae Hee she is your Main Character in this book. I feel as though her character was very underwhelming for me in general. She seems so passive as an Main Character and through the book I wish she was a little more assertive and dominant at least to get herself out the situation she was in with Jungkook before the kidnapping.

Through out the book she suffers a lot of domestic violence which I do realize that happens but I wish her narrative would have been much different.


Initially when Tae Hee was kidnapped and apparently murdered in front of Jungkook, I was underwhelmed, but when you brought her back to life I was genuinely confused like is that remotely possible? To be shot so closely and directly in her chest? How did Taehyung get there quick enough and get her to the hospital? Overall It didn't make any sense. To have a Character let alone a Main Character die and come back to life is such a huge thing but I would research a bit more to make sure it is possible.


After the death, the fact that she let Jeon Jungkook back into her life with her married husband is Astounding. And sure she did fight against it a bit but I feel like there should have been more hesitation before then.


Her actual death was more underwhelming than the first. Your main character survived domestic violence , emotional abuse, and being shot closely in the chest. But died when pushed in the street and hit by a car.

Honestly I feel as though her death especially as a main character was used out of laziness. (Not to be offensive). But being introduced to her first, and reading what she's gone through really left me disappointed in the way her story ended.

Jeon Jungkook

Next we have Jeon Jungkook. Oh boy.
I HATED HIM. and that's a good thing because I'm assuming that's exactly what you wanted.

After Tae Hees death you noted that it has been two years since that time. I know that grieving can be a really slow process but why is it 2 years and Jungkook is not going to work? Was he going to work a year after her death and doing just fine? I just feel like it could have been sooner. And at this point you'd think he'd get his act together, possibly be at more of a realization as he was at end of the book.

Besides being morally wrong he's characterization was okay.

Kim Taehyung

It was almost as Taehyung was supposed to be the knight in shining armor to remove our darling Tae Hee from her abusive relationship.

And he was at first? But then he was an absolute dick towards the end. At this point I'm genuinely not surprised, He's an hypocrite and it's finest, against Jungkook but does everything he did!

No major problems with Taehyung's characterization he is also very morally flawed.

🕊 18/30


•I did come across a few mistakes in your grammar, some capitalization issues and periods missing but not much.

•Be sure to separate each paragraph when a new character speaks. It gets quite confusing.

🕊 20/30


•Pretty good. I like it.

🕊 8/10


•Overall you are a good writer. I just believe you need to think things through a bit more in your plot. I know the summary hints that book will not have a happy ending but through everything that happened I felt a bit underwhelmed through most of it.

Overall: 7.6/10

Was it love? Heck no!

🕊 Thank You for requesting 🕊

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