cupid rhymes with stupid ²

65 3 3

Author: @Quiet_Pen


Your summary is very distinct, it's straight to the point but I believe that having a question at the end of a summary is too rehearsed. I like the quote in the beginning but try to work around the question if possible.


    •    The chapters are a bit longer than average which makes it seem as though the plot would begin sooner. But the plot doesn't truly begin until chapter six. The plot is pretty predictable in itself but the flow is done pretty well.
    •    The characters have common archetypes although I would prefer there to be different aspects of their personalities.
    •    You did the right choice when choosing to write in third person, you have multiple characters in your book.


    •The cover is decent but could be more eye-catching. I like the colors used but it appears like it would be some older adult romance novel rather than teen fiction.


Overall this book isn't something I'd typically go for but I have to say I wasn't disappointed or bored while reading it. I like the way you describe most things it was cultivating. Especially in the beginning of the book. Try to keep that same mindset when using descriptive language.

Working on character development would be your next step, try to step out the box and create characters readers can become attached to. At this point in the book, they appear very one dimensional

Overall: 7.5/10

I hope this was of any help. Thank you 💗

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