Shutters down ²

104 2 8

•I'm trying a new format on my reviews for more clarity

Your summary is straight to the point. There's nothing wrong with it because it doesn't tell the stories plot entirely, maybe add some dialogue between characters to be more eye-catching.

•    I don't know the entire plot because it's just one chapter. Generally, the plot (problem) should be spread out with the first couple of chapters within the book. But the gist of the story is a zombie invasion.
•    The first chapter, starting off I would like to mention how well you formed your first chapter in the book. I love the anxiety I got when I read it. Your book is fan fiction but beyond that, it's horror/thriller so the challenge would be to of course maintain that scary/thrilling nature and portray it through bts characters. I like how you incorporated the title of the book in the first chapter and how it's italicized that's a good touch. I also love you ended on edge it keeps the reader wanting more.

The cover really didn't fit the theme of the book. There's nothing wrong with the cheerful colors (I also have a contrasting color theme to my book.) but offhand, I would see anything zombie-ish about it. Try using the baby-blue theme you have and mold it into the horror/theme or thriller you're writing

You started off very well, For continuation, I would suggest on using descriptive language especially for those terrifying zombies. Create an image within the reader's minds.

Overall: 8/10
Thank you 💫💗

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